2007 年 英文教師海外研習分享 By 許詩停 Trista 林雅琪 Shirley
Why? Where? How? What?
Setting off!
Program Description SunMonTueWedThuFriSat Methodology of Language Teaching Methodology of Language Teaching Dr. Virginia D. Lezhnev (9:00-12:00) School Visits School Visits Guest Speaker Guest Speaker Field Trips Oral Communication Skills Joel Wiskin, Alison Leithner (1:30 – 3:30) Oral Communication Skills Other pictures Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.) July 9 ~ August 10
Methodology of Language Teaching First and Second language acquisition Reading process and activities Reading process and activities Writing process and activities Developing Listening Tasks Learning styles vs. Teaching styles (Kolb, perceptual learning style)perceptual learning style Multiple Intelligences
Oral Communication Skills Project: “Georgetown Mystery Tour”Georgetown Mystery Tour News report Culture differences
Field trips on Saturday Week 1: Wolf Trap – Camelot Week 2: The Mall – museums Week 3: Baltimore – Aquarium Week 4: Mount Vernon – George Washington’s hometown
Week 1: Wolf Trap – Camelot
Week 2: The Mall – museumsThe Mall
Week 3: Baltimore – Aquarium
Week 4: Mount Vernon
Guest Speakers
School School Bus ICC (Intercultural Center)
World map
Republic of China!