SUCCESSFUL PARENTING DAY MADE POSSIBLE by Natalia Dooley SUCCESS Mentor Program Limestone County Schools
Plan Ahead Invite both parents, if possible Call ahead of time to schedule parent conferences on Parenting Day Allow enough time and allow at least 10 minutes between conferences Make contact early, but try to call a day before parenting day with a reminder (send a reminder with students)
Welcome Parents! Welcome parents to your Parenting Day and tell them how pleased you are to meet them. Describe the goals you hope to accomplish this evening. Explain that the Parenting Day will inform them of your expectations of their child and will help them to better assess and assist in their child’s learning. Make sure to ask your parents to sign in! Your principal will be asking for documentation.
School Policies The school's discipline policy, including procedures regarding absence and tardiness. The timing of report cards and progress reports. Emergency procedures for bad weather and other events. Transportation schedules. Provisions for after-school activities. Special programs at the school.
Class Policies Attendance and tardiness policy. Grading policy. Amount of homework and homework policy. Policies for addressing academic and behavioral problems. Calendar of upcoming events, such as class field trips and future parent-teacher meetings.
Class Rules Give information on the behavior policy in your class, and how it relates to the skills children need to be successful in school and life in general. This policy might include the following rules: Be prepared. Be respectful. Be responsible. Follow directions. Be punctual. Be organized. Be a self-starter.
Opportunities to Get Involved Give a detailed list of parent- involvement policies at the school. List opportunities for parents to get involved in volunteer programs, advisory councils, and the PTA. Provide sign-up sheets for parents interested in helping with planning parties or special projects for your class.
Parents Can Make a Difference Mention ways parents can help their child learn in each subject, such as by reading together for 20 minutes a night. Discuss grades and motivation at home to encourage good grades. Suggest routines for doing homework, consequences and rewards.
In-Class Activity Invite parents to take part in an activity, and then discuss it. You might have parents participate in solving a math problem, such as estimating the number of beans in a jar. You might have parents write an encouraging letter to their child. You might send parents on a classroom scavenger hunt for their child's work, the books their child likes best, and messages from their child.
Question and Answer Time Take questions from parents. Have them describe areas in which they would like to see their child improve.
Handouts Supply a list of important phone numbers pertaining to the school. Provide copies of all policies. Provide a calendar of upcoming events, such as class field trips and future parent-teacher meetings. For bilingual parents, offer handouts translated into the appropriate languages. Involve your ELL teacher and/or assistant in translating documentation and calling parents of ELL students.