WMA 18: Breede - Rainfall and Evaporation
WMA 18: Breede - Base Map
WMA 18: Breede - Land Use
WMA 18: Breede - Sectoral Water Requirements (2000)
Sectoral contributions to the economy (1997) Contribution Agriculture Mining Manufacturing Electricity Construction Trade Transport Finance Government Other Community 0 % 20 % 40 % 30 % 10 % National Breede WMA
WMA 18: Breede - Water Availability (2000)
WMA 18: Breede - Water Reconciliation (2000)
WMA 18: Breede - Population scenarios
WMA 18: Breede - Water Reconciliation (future)
WMA 18: Breede Groundwater Groundwater is important component of water resources in Breede WMA Most of groundwater abstraction is in Warmbokkeveld and Upper Breede River Valley & Hex Valley - used for irrigation Close connectivity between surface and groundwater Little potential for increasing abstraction of groundwater in these areas (increased abstraction will cause corresponding reduction in surface water flow) Groundwater also used for some towns (inland and coastal) as well as for rural and livestock Significant quantities of water believed to be abstractable from deep fractured rock aquifers of the Table Mountain Group geological formations
WMA 18: Breede Water quality Surface water and groundwater quality of high standard in upper reaches of rivers and in mountainous areas Water quality in Breede River is highly impacted upon by irrigation return flows Influence of geological formations also has an effect on water quality in middle reaches of Breede River with an increase in salinity further downstream Water in the eastern coastal rivers is of natural high mineral content Important that groundwater be carefully managed to prevent the intrusion of seawater into aquifers No biological contamination of groundwater
WMA 18: Breede Key issues Water use dominated by irrigation Water from the Berg WMA is stored in Breede WMA - large quantities of water transferred from Breede WMA for high value (urban, industrial) uses in the Berg WMA Additional transfers to the Berg WMA likely to be required in future to serve Greater Cape Town area Shortfalls in water supplies currently experienced at some coastal towns -mostly seasonal -projected to increase as result of growth in these areas
WMA 18: Breede Key issues (2) Water in the Lower Breede River highly saline due to combination of geological influences and irrigation return flows - blending with fresh water is required to manage salinity levels Strong interdependence between surface water and groundwater - large proportion of base flow in Breede River / Overberg Coastal being from groundwater Substantial potential for further development of surface water resources - extent will depend on affordability and requirements for the Reserve Climate change may have a major impact on future availability of as well as requirements for water in WMA
WMA 18: Breede Water resources under control of the Minister Transfer of water between Breede and Berg WMAs at Riviersonderend / Berg River Scheme Transfer out of water from Palmiet River to Berg WMA Smaller transfers of water out from Breede to Berg and Olifants / Doring WMAs Transfer of water into Breede WMA from Gouritz WMA for rural water supply purposes