Historical background of inter cities cooperation in France Pierre Calzat
Inter-Municipal Cooperation France : a centralized Country
Inter-Municipal Cooperation Due to the History: If before the Revolution, France seems as said Law or Tocqueville, a Country with a big diversity, first of all in each Province the King nominated his own representative, the Intendant, second with Louis XIV and Colbert : a specific role for the State is developed. With the Revolution and during the 19th Century: reinforcement of a centralized, standardized administration through all the territory, nomination of representatives of the State in each department - Napoleon -: the Prefets real chiefs of the State administration, with political missions.
Inter-Municipal Cooperation But France is also a country with important local powers and self governments:
Inter-Municipal Cooperation municipalities, around 100 departments. From the 70’s creation of 22 regions, numerous inter communal structures of cooperation. The 20th century: a century of decentralization. Clementels regions 1917, project of Minister Guichard, reform of decentralization during the 80’s; reforms of 2000’s…. The Governments tried to rationalize, to simplify the general map of the structures, to promote the inter municipalities cooperation.
Inter-Municipal Cooperation II The main steps of the cooperation
Inter-Municipal Cooperation The philosophy: develop federative systems instead to impose a cooperation by the Law During the 50’s the “ syndicats intercommunaux”, the districts: more focused on specialized cooperation During the 70’s and after: a development of cooperation; Law on fusion of municipalities 71; 1992 Law on the territorial administration of the Republic; 97; 2004; 2014 new types of cooperation between the municipalities, tentative of simplification … municipalities: 50% from 100 and 500 inhabitants 35 more of inhabitants 5 more of Around municipalities representing 59 millions of inhabitants are aggregated in 2580 EPCI with own system of taxation.
Inter-Municipal Cooperation “Syndicats” without direct resources The Law defines the main types of inter-municipal structures of cooperation without direct taxation system, named in French “syndicats” with unique mission or with multiple missions: organizations in charge of a specific domain – schools, wastes, water’s or electric’s alimentation … -. This type of organization is well adapted for a limited field of cooperation. The municipalities pay a financial contribution proportionally to the supply.
Inter-Municipal Cooperation Public organizations with direct resources: The main types of structures of cooperation with autonomous taxation systems defined by the law of 2010: Communautés de communes Communautés d’agglomérations Communautés urbaines Metropoles Syndicats d’agglomérations nouvelles.
Inter-Municipal Cooperation III Metropole and pôle metropolitain
Inter-Municipal Cooperation Evolution in the Rhône department: A transfer of competences from the department to the Metropole of Lyon, 58 municipalities. 1,6 billion Euros from: local taxes 32%, other local resources 20%, States donations 25%,
Inter-Municipal Cooperation
Creation of the “Pôle metropolitain”, with 4 great agglomerations - Lyon, Saint Etienne, Vienne, Portes d’Isère, 139 municipalities, about 2 millions of inhabitants, 2 billions Euros for the buget.
Inter-Municipal Cooperation
The Metropole, a new tool in order to assume an equilibrated development? A coherent territory for the development and the organization of the public policies; sufficient resources; great economical potential; A concurence with the Region;
Inter-Municipal Cooperation