Portfolios Kim Anderson Course Evaluation Subcommittee Chair Summer 2009
What is a Portfolio? Portfolios are a purposeful compilation of student work, usually including student reflection on their achievement of the student learning outcomes and how the evidence supports their conclusion. A portfolio can be used as a culminating task for a course or for a program.
Is a Portfolio the Appropriate Assignment/Assessment? Purpose? Requirements? Developmental or showcase? Size? Who will evaluate? Presentation expectations? Hardcopy or electronic? Confidentiality?
Pros & Cons StrengthsWeaknesses Direct evidenceTakes time for students and instructors Student responsibilityDifficult if a collective task Student self-awareness of learningPeer critiques may be difficult Student may use for application process Identity protection Identify curriculum gapsStorage issue if not electronic Focus discussion on student learningMust include standards for assessment
Types of Portfolios All-Inclusive Portfoliosthat contain a complete record of all work done by a student in a course or program. Selection Portfoliosthat are focused on documenting the achievement of mastery of specific course or program student learning outcomes.
Assessment by using Portfolios Long-term record of student progress & achievement to assess programs, courses, or projects. Fundamental elements to support student learning (metacognition) – Student involvement in entry selections – Student reflections about learning – Student discussion with faculty about learning
Creating a Portfolio Assignment Purpose: What is the purpose(s) of the portfolio? Audience: For what audience(s) will the portfolio be created? Content: What samples of student work will be included? Process: What processes (e.g. selection of work to be included, reflection on work, conferencing) will be engaged in during the development of the portfolio? Management: How will time and materials be managed in the development of the portfolio? Communication: How and when will the portfolio be shared with pertinent audiences? Evaluation: If the portfolio is to be used for evaluation, when and how should it be evaluated?
Purpose Growth portfolios demonstrate change over time, help develop process skills such as self-evaluation and goal-setting, identify strengths and weaknesses, and track the development of products/performances. This type of portfolio emphasizes the process of learning. Showcase portfolios demonstrate end-of-semester accomplishments as it is a sample of best work (for employment or university admission), indicates the student’s perceptions of his/her most important work, and communicates a student’s current aptitudes. This type of portfolio emphasizes the product of learning. Evaluation portfolios document achievement for grading purposes, progress toward standards, and may assist with appropriate student placement.
Audience In-class instructor and/or classmates Out-of-class other discipline faculty, potential employer, university admissions officer, advisory board
Content Depends on the answers to “purpose” and “audience” Paper products Other types of media (CD or web) artifacts videotaping performance scanning products digitizing audio visual rhetoric (imagery and visual design) Manageable
Process Potential for focusing on the processes of learning Self-improvement Metacognitive processes of thinking (internal monitoring of one’s own understanding) Reflection component may be most critical element comment on why; what liked/not liked; processes in developing samples; describe skill/knowledge development; identify strengths/weaknesses of work; set goals/strategies; and self-efficacy
Management Formative or summative (development process) Logistics (paper or electronic storage; where kept; who’s responsible) Progress and Product (tracking; type) Access & Privacy (who and when; identity)
Communication Portfolios are meant to be shared Portfolios should tell a story about that student and his/her learning Student must take ownership of the process
Assessment Evaluate vs. GradeWhat to GradeHow to Evaluate/Grade Evaluation = making a judgment Not to grade = already graded contents selected Complex product Grading = assigning point or letter value to a judgment To grade = more than compilation of content Rubric provides clarity (judgment of quality & elements) and consistency (multiple evaluators) For classProcess skills For program = package from various classes or capstone course Metacognition (reflections, strengths/weaknesses, goals, progress of standards) Organizational elements
Electronic Portfolio Rubric Sample Name: ___________________________ Date: ________________ Section Number:___________________ SkillExceptionalEffectiveAcceptable Unsatisfactory Creative Use of Technology Innovative use of graphics, sound, , additional software, and Internet resources; superior presentation. Several creative sounds, graphics, and links used; presentation keeps reader's attention. Some use of interesting sounds and graphics; predictable presentation. No evidence of independent resources; monotonous presentation. Content ChoiceSamples show student progress and knowledge of netiquette. Samples show student progress and some knowledge of netiquette. Samples show some student progress and some knowledge of netiquette. Random selection choice; no knowledge of netiquette. Organization/ Mechanics Flawless grammar and punctuation; layout is easy to navigate. Very few grammar and punctuation errors; layout is easy to navigate. Some grammar and punctuation errors; layout is sometimes confusing to navigate. Several grammar and punctuation errors; layout is very difficult to navigate. Personal Reflection Excellent evaluation of personal strengths and weaknesses. Accurate consideration of personal strengths and weaknesses. Somewhat superficial consideration of personal strengths and weaknesses. Lackluster interest in own work.
E-portfolios Digital collection of student work 1. Student-centered active learning diverse purposes; enrichment 2. Dynamic digital technology Web 2.0; social networking sites; web-authoring platforms 3. Accountability outcomes assessment 4.Mobile students multiple college enrollments over extended time spans
E-portfolio project uses Document development within a course or program Learning community-integrate across courses Document skills/knowledge for employers Outcomes Assessment (course or program or GE) First year course to Capstone course (throughout or at each end) Program benchmarks (by course or outcomes for longitudinal data) Proficiency in professional competencies