WELCOME TO WINTER QUARTER 2007 We are halfway there! iii. Sample Graduation Requirements & Integration Plan 2007a (Stanford
Organization of Winter Quarter Courses: C&I T (3:15-6:05) All quarter Language Policies and Practices (ED388): Th (3:15-6:05) All quarter Teaching in Heterogeneous Classrooms (ED284): 1/10-2/12 W (3:15-5:15) M (4:00-7:00) Practicum (Ed246C) Assessment: 2/14-3/14 W (3:15 – 5:15)M (3:15 – 6:05)
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune THC Final Project LPP Final Project STEP Exhibitions May 7-25 SP Needs Special Needs Case C&I Curr. Unit Practicum Portfolio Ind. Student Teaching STEP Conference June 15
The STEP Graduation Portfolio Teaching Event Observations/ Reflections/ Assessments Curriculum Unit Summary Analysis and Reflection Documents Portfolio
Teaching Performance Expectations A. MAKING SUBJECT MATTER COMPREHENSIBLE TO STUDENTS 1. Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction B. ASSESSING STUDENT LEARNING 2. Monitoring Student Learning During Learning 3. Interpretation and Use of Assessments C. ENGAGING AND SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN LEARNING 4. Making Content Accessible 5. Student Engagement 6. Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices 7. Teaching English Learners D. PLANNING INSTRUCTION AND DESIGNING LEARNING EXPERIENCES FOR STUDENTS 8. Learning About Students 9. Instructional Planning E. CREATING AND MAINTAINING EFFECTIVE ENVIRONMENTS FOR STUDENT LEARNING 10. Instructional Time 11. Social Environment F. DEVELOPING AS A PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR 12. Professional, Legal, and Ethical Obligations 13. Professional Growth
Architecture of the Teaching Event Teaching Event Task What to do What to submit 1. Context for Learning Provide relevant information about your instructional context Context form Context commentary 2. Planning, Instruction and Assessment Select a learning segment… Overview of plans… Instructional materials Planning commentary 3. Instructing Students and Supporting Learning Review your plans… Videotape the lesson(s)… Review 2 video clips… Video clips Lesson plan Instruction commentary 4. Assessing Student Learning 5. Reflecting on Teaching and Learning Select and analyze student work… Provide your daily reflections… Student work samples Evaluative criteria or rubric Assessment commentary Daily reflections Reflective commentary
STEP Documents Portfolio Resume Adolescent case study Classroom management plan LPP Final project Final project for Heterogeneous Classrooms Case of special needs student Any other documents of your choice
Summary Analysis and Reflection… …includes: A statement of your philosophy of education How the artifacts in your graduation portfolio reflect your attention to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession How your practice is developing in each of the six areas of these standards Your greatest strengths and your goals for further professional development.
Important Dates STEP Conference - June 15 th STEP Graduation Portfolio due – June 4th STEP Exhibitions – May 7 th – 25 th
Immediate Action Items B egin collecting samples of student work from (at least) 3-4 students, including 1-2 English Language learners I n supervisory, start backwards planning to schedule the Teaching Event. C ommunicate plan to CT! Save your work! (Please.)