WRITING PORTFOLIO Showcase for best writing Record of writing growth
Writing Portfolio Construction FILE FOLDER TAB: last name first, first name last, class period FRONT: Decorate to express your “voice.”
Writing Portfolio Comparison Just as an artist keeps an art portfolio to reflect his/her best work/growth as an artist, writers keep portfolios to reflect their best work and growth as a writer.
Writing Portfolio Contents Baseline writing sample (friendship piece) Best piece of writing from previous year Writing sample from each six weeks attached with evidence of writing process and self-assessment/goals.
Writing Portfolio Contents At end of year, the following need to be added to your portfolio along with your writing samples/assessments/goals, so it can be passed onto your next year’s teacher. Table of contents Handouts from your daily writing folder: * student writing record * writing options list * topic list * proofreading list * skills list * favorite words list * spelling demons list