Whooping Cough Bordetella Pertussis By: Ryan Fonda & Cortney Gandy
What is this… An upper respiratory infection Is a highly contagious bacterial disease that cause uncontrollable coughing. Breath or cough
Causative Agents? Bordetella Pertussis, Bortdetella Parapertussis- humans Pertussis is the most commonly found in Humans It spread by droplet transmissions.
SYMPTOMS!!!!!!! Runny Nose Slight Fever ( 102º F or lower) Severe Coughs Diarrhea Choking Spells in Infants
Treatment If you catch Whooping Cough early enough there are antibiotics to treat it. Hospitalization for infants under 18 months.
Prevention DTaP vaccination is a recommended childhood immunization and protects against Pertussis infection. There are 5 vaccinations required. If you have Pertussis you should stay out of school because it is highly contagious.
Prognosis and Complications Older kids outlook is good. Younger children have the highest risk of death. Complications: Seizure Disorder (Permanent) Bleeding in the brain Mental retardation Slowed or stopped breathing DEATH Nose Bleeds
Sources shttps://health.google.com/health/ref/Pertussi s http:// coughhttp:// cough ildCoughREX_228x325.jpghttp://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/03_02/Ch ildCoughREX_228x325.jpg