HERNIAS Definition Classification Etiology Composition of a hernia
Definition of a hernia A hernia is the protrusion of a viscus or part of a viscus through an abnormal opening in the walls of its containing cavity
Composition of a hernia A hernia consist of three parts The sac The covering of the sac The contents of the sac
The sac of the hernia Is a diverticulum of peritoneum consist of: Neck Body Fundus
Covering of the sac Are derived from the layers of the abdominal wall through which the sac passes
Contents of a hernia 1 Omentum 2 Intestine 3 A Portion of the circumference of the intestine 4 A portion of the bladder 5 Ovary 6 A Meckel”s diverticulum 7 Fluid
Aetiology Congenital eg:the remain of the processus vaginalis Aquird :any condition which raises intra-abdominal pressure eg: Whooping cough in childhood Chronic cough Straining on micturation Chronic constipation Intra-abdominal malignancy Stretching of the abdominal musculature
Classificaions Congenital OR Aquired External OR Internal According to the anatomical site Irrespective of the site
According to the anatomical site Inguinal Femoral Umbilical Epigastric Rare :Interparietal, Spigelian, Lumbar, Perineal, Obturator, Gluteal and sciatic Hernias
Irrespective of site 1. Reducible 2. Irreducible 3. Obstructed 4. Strangulated 5. Inflamed
Inguinal Hernia Types Indirect [Oblique] Inguinal Hernia Direct Inguinal Hernia
Complications of the hernias Acute Chronic
Acute complications Obstruction Strangulation
Chronic complication Incarceration
Diagnosis History Increase intra-abdominal pressure Clinical Examination
Diffrential diagnosis Between inguinal – femoral Anurysm Lipoma Saphena varix
Investigations The causes
Treatment Medical – Indication Surgical - Indication