Common Illnesses & Symptoms 2013
Stomach Virus Symptoms One of the most common symptoms of the stomach virus is diarrhea. Vomiting is another common side effect of the stomach virus. Your child may also be experiencing flu like symptoms when they catch the stomach virus.
Pertussis/Whooping Cough Symptoms Begins with symptoms of a common cold with a mild cough or fever. One to two weeks later the severe coughing can begin. Pertussis can cause violent and rapid coughing, over and over, until the air is gone from the lungs, then you are forced to inhale with a loud "whooping" sound. Common early Symptoms: Runny nose, Low-grade fever; Mild, occasional cough; Apnea (in infants)
Influenza/Flu symptoms High Fever Body aches and muscle pain Headache Fatigue, a general feeling of sickness A dry cough, runny nose, and dry or sore throat. Influenza usually does not cause symptoms in the stomach or intestines, such as vomiting and diarrhea.
Mumps Symptoms Mumps is caused by a virus spread through infected saliva. Pain when chewing or swallowing. Fever, chills, headache, loss of appetite, and a general feeling of discomfort. Swelling of the salivary glands in the face and jaw line.
Asthma More than 25 million people have asthma. About 7 million of these people are children. Symptoms: Coughing. Wheezing. Chest tightness. Shortness of breath. Treatment: Inhalers, Steroids, Allergy Medication.
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Symptoms: Feels as if something is in your eye Corners of the eyes become irritated Pinkish coloration of the eye Excess tearing Pain and pressure of the eye Blurred vision Eyes may be sensitive to light and be crusted over when you wake up in the morning Fever Swelling Itching or burning of the eye Treatment: Antibiotic eye drops
Chicken Pox/ Varicella A red, itchy rash, initially resembling insect bites, on your face, scalp, chest and back Small, liquid-filled blisters that break open and crust over Fever Abdominal pain or loss of appetite Mild headache General feeling of unease and discomfort (malaise) or irritability A dry cough Headache Treatment – Acetaminophen and soothing baths The most common lotion used for chicken pox is Calamine lotion. – helps with itching How does one catch chicken pox ? You can get chicken pox from coming in direct contact with someone who has chicken pox and broken blisters. Also you can get it through airborne droplets.
Measles Fever Dry cough Sore throat Runny nose Inflamed eyes Sensitivity to light White spots inside the mouth Skin rash (large, flat blotches) No specific treatment – need to be immunized
Scabies Symptoms: Itching Irritated skin Symptoms are likely to develop around the waistline, buttocks area. How does one catch the disease or how does it develop? Direct skin-to-skin contact
Strep Throat Fever that begins suddenly and is often highest on the second day (fever over 101F) Red throat, sometimes with white patches Sore throat Headache Nausea Chills General ill feeling Loss of appetite and abnormal taste Swollen lymph nodes in the neck Difficulty swallowing On rare occasions, strep throat can lead to rheumatic fever if it is not treated. Strep throat may also cause a rare kidney complication called post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis.