I bet you have read a lot of books. But have you ever read one about YOU? This book is like no other you have ever read. Read on to choose your own adventure! 1.
Disney land Paris You are an ordinary girl from England. Your parents move to France. There is a big fair that you want to go to. Do you: A. Your parents tell you to never go the fair it’s a dangerous place.p3Your parents tell you to never go the fair it’s a dangerous place.p3 Your parents keep you away from the fair so you decide to ignore it.p8 2. B. C. Your parents tell you to go to the fair. p12
Your parents tell you to never go to the fair it’s a dangerous place After a while you get bored so you run down the stairs and sneak through the new, posh middle aged, crooked back door. 3 a) You walk through the woods.p4
You walk through the Woods where the trees are like the wrinkles on your granddads head. Then you hear a sudden scream, you climb up one of the trees (your granddad’s head), and look where it’s coming from. You see the fair. The scream is coming from a girl on a thrill ride. 4. Start thinking wisely. p5
You stop and think for a moment. Your mum tells you not to go to the fair but all the rides look so good: do you: You run of and go to the fair.p6 You carry on walking.p7 5
You chose to run off to the fair and you see some other English people there. You walk over and ask their name. their names are Jodie and Holly. You tell them you name, Twila.. You run round going on all the rides and collecting souvenirs. Jodie asks you does your mum know you are here? You tell a lie and say that she told you to come to the fair. You forget all about you mum and have fun with your new friends. 6
You carry on walking through the woods and it brings you to your French new house. You sneak through the back door and run up the stairs to you room and your mum comes up stairs to tell you that you are going to the fair with her tomorrow. 7.
Your parents keep you locked in your room so you decide to ignore it. You don’t listen and you go for a walk and get tempted. You hear screams and shouts from the people on the rides. You keep walking. You see the rides going up and down. You keep walking. You smell the sweet doughnuts and the greasy hot dogs. You keep walking. You feel the paint on the path shaped like a mouse head. You keep walking. Do you: Next page.p9 8.
You go on the rock and rollercoaster then get dizzy and fall over. You hurt your knee but you don’t care because you still have to watch the car show. You have some food.p10 You get bored. p11 9.
You have some food You walk over to the H.M.S café and grab a bite to eat. You don’t like the dessert so you leave early. You look around for something to do next. You find a banner saying stars in cars this way! 10.
You go on the rides but You get bored You want to go home now because you have got dizzy from thunder mountain. Also you are beginning to get a bit bored. 11.
Your parents tell you to go to the fair you get to your new home and don’t like the fact your mum kicked you out so she could start to paint! You have had a tired and long journey so the first place you head is the café. you get a text of your mum saying don’t come home till 5. You don’t listen.p8 You go for a walk.p13 12.
You go for a walk You go for a walk round the Disney scene and see a little corner shop. You have a look inside and see it’s not a corner shop, it’s a Disney experience shop. You buy some souvenirs with all the money you have. You go on the rides.p11 13.