Laurie A. Lebo, Ph.D
What is A registry of federally and privately supported research studies conducted in the United States and around the world. A free service of the NIH, developed by the National Library of Medicine
Why Register? Public Law , Section 801 Involves human subjects Prospective Interventional Controlled Phase II-IV FDA regulated drug, biologic or device ICMJE Prospective Interventions (drugs, surgical procedures, devices, behavioral treatments, dietary interventions and process of care changes) to evaluate health outcomes Includes Phase I
Who is Responsible for Registering? Sponsor PI
Timing of Registration 21 days after 1 st patient is enrolled (PL ) Prior to enrollment of 1 st patient (ICMJE)
What if I don’t? Monetary penalties For Federally funded trials, withholding or recovery of grant funds Publishing
How to Register Contact Laurie Lebo to set up a PRS user name Log on to using the following information: Organization Name: Vanderbilt_University User Name: First letter of first name plus last name ex. LLebo Password:assigned by can be re-set by PRS administrator