CIVIL COMMITMENT: Network Service Provider Responsibilities
Purpose LSF Health Systems (LSFHS), in collaboration with its network providers is committed to ensuring coordination with State Mental Health Treatment Facilities to assist the DCF in its goal of reducing admissions and length of stay for adults in state hospitals and return them to a community environment.
Point to Remember: The goal is the successful reintegration of individuals discharging from a state hospital back into the community and to reduce, divert and work to prevent re-hospitalization of this priority population.
Network Service Provider Responsibilities for Civil Treatment Facility Admission and Discharge Processes Per Rule 65E F.A.C. the following activities shall be performed for clients transferring into or out of state treatment facilities: A client’s case will remain open during the time the client resides at a state treatment facility. The case manager shall: Participate in the preadmission treatment planning meeting and assist in the development of a state treatment facility treatment plan. Maintain at least monthly contact with state treatment facility staff concerning the status of the client. Maintain contact with the client’s family consistent with Chapter 394, F.S. Share relevant information with the state treatment facility. Participate in the discharge planning meeting(s) and assist in the development of a service plan which addresses the client’s needs in the community. Actively carry out linkage and brokerage activities in the community prior to the client’s discharge in order to implement the service plan. Have a face to face contact with the client in the community within 2 working days of discharge from the state treatment facility. Maintain progress notes in the client record reflecting all meetings and communications with state treatment facility staff, the client, the family or significant others.
Provider Responsibilities for Civil Treatment Facility Admission and Discharge Processes Per CFOP , the Community Case Manager will: Participate in recovery team meetings, when possible, to anticipate and remedy possible barriers to community placement during discharge planning. Participate in the discharge planning meeting and assist in the development of a discharge or conditional release plan which addresses the needs of the resident in the community. The schedule of monthly discharge planning meetings will be sent out to program directors once received from NEFSH. Secure placement and needed services and supports (e.g., scheduling aftercare appointments for psychiatric services within 5-7 days of discharge) Notify the civil mental health treatment facility once placement and services have been secured. Work to ensure possession of current and valid identification cards and retain copies of those documents in the individual’s community files to facilitate access to benefits upon return to the community.
Expectations Notify the ME about consumers who have significant barriers to discharge and work collaboratively with ME and NEFSH to find creative solutions to barrier issues. Attend the quarterly Continuity of Care meeting. Community liaisons need to transfer consumers to their case managers once they are placed on discharge status to allow for a smoother transition to the community and increased continuity of care. Liaisons and case managers need to be flexible when working with discharge staff. Please be willing to accept discharge documents and referrals via password protected with the assurance that the med-pack will be received a day or two later via USPS. The ME requests a quarterly report from each provider that details the contact each CM has with each consumer that quarter. If a consumer was discharged please also indicate this information on this report. This report is due by the 5 th of each new quarter, for the previous quarter. This report can be ed to Lauren Pilkinton at Please remember we are to all work collaboratively for the good those we serve. Please feel free to contact the ME with any issues you may have adhering to the requirements set forth in this presentation.