doc.: IEEE Submission January 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG6 ETSI EP eHEALTH Liason Date Submitted: January 22, 2009 Source: John R. Farserotu Contact: John R. Farserotu (CSEM) Voice: Voice: , Re: This document is submitted in response to the ETSI liason Abstract: Closing Report for the TG6 Session in January Purpose: This document provides a status update. Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and maybe made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE Submission IEEE802 TG6-ETSI EP eHEALTH LIASON ETSI EP eHEALTH Meeting #11, Montegrotto, Italy, 22 January 2009 Liaison Statements from ETSI EP eHEALTH to EC –EP eHELATH in co-operation with ERM TG30 will prepare a joint statement on spectrum regulations for wireless medical communications. Continua Health Alliance –The agreement has been signed. Refer to: STF 352 presentation and report –STF Leader Francoise Petersen did a presentation of the status report of STF 352 work (eH11_TD004 and eH11_TD005) by joining a conference call. –A presentation of the status of the ES (eH11_TD005) (Personalization of eHealth systems) has been given by the STF representative. January, 2009 Slide 2John F.M. Gerrits / John R. Farserotu, CSEM
doc.: IEEE Submission IEEE802 TG6-ETSI EP eHEALTH LIASON Work items (WI): –DTR/eHEALTH-0002: eHealth architecture; User service models and application classification into service models –DTR/eHEALTH-0003: Collection of architectures and service models for eHEALTH Meeting noted the progress on this WI. A document from a previous meeting eH10_TD012 (contribution to the work on DTR/eHEALTH-0003) was noted by the meeting. –DTR/eHEALTH-0004: Mapping of use cases and services to telecommunication services Meeting noted the progress on this WI. A document from a previous meeting eH10_TD012 (contribution to the work on DTR/eHEALTH-0004) was noted by the meeting –DTR/eHEALTH-0005: Short range radio communication and networking Meeting noted the progress on this WI. January, 2009 Slide 3John F.M. Gerrits / John R. Farserotu, CSEM
doc.: IEEE Submission IEEE802 TG6-ETSI EP eHEALTH LIASON 400 MHz AND GHz BANDS The 400MHz spectrum regulations and ETSI standards are clearly established –The MHz core band MICS (Medical Implant Communication systems) is designated only to Medical Implant and associated peripheral (ULP-AMI and ULP- AMI-P) with maximum emission BW of 300kHz and other requirements as defined in ETSI Harmonized standard EN as attached. No external to external communication is allowed in this band. –The wing bands MEDS MHz and MHz is designated to ULP-AMI and associated ULP-AMI-P but also to external Body worn Devices with a maximum emission bandwidth of 100kHz. This band could definitely be used for BAN and BSN assuming you comply with requirement as described in the ETSI Harmonized Standards EN developed for this band MHz band developments concerning the possible reservation of GHz for eHealth –TG30 members have already evaluated this band already included in the ETSI published Technical Report TR TG30 members are in the opinion that the GHz is the first choice for our type of application as described in the attached TR. January, 2009 Slide 4John F.M. Gerrits / John R. Farserotu, CSEM
doc.: IEEE Submission ETSI EP eHEALTH COLLABORATIONS MEETINGS CALENDAR DateVenueEvent January 2009ETSI HQPersonalization and user profile standardization etingDetails.asp?mid= February 2009MontrealISMICT 11 March 2009ETSI HQEP eHEALTH 12,13 March 2009ETSI HQERM TG April 2009LuxembourgMEDETEL April 2009ETSI HQBio-ICT ts/2008_InfinityInitiativeTeaser.aspx 26 May 2009TBDEP eHEALTH May 2009TBDERM TG30 April 2010BrusselsConectathon 1.Note: Members of the committee proposed to organise EP eHEALTH meeting the same week as TG30. January, 2009 Slide 5John F.M. Gerrits / John R. Farserotu, CSEM