Rabbits are small mammals that can be pets or wild animals. Wild bunnies dig holes to keep them warm and safe from bigger animals. Bunnies as pet can be kept indoor and also outdoors. The bunnies pens should have tunnels, toys, selves, and other different toys.
Bunnies get to be around 3-16 pounds Lives to be around 5-15 years. The are born in about days There are 3 to 8 babies in a litter A female bunny can have up to 7 different litters a year.
There is many different breeds of bunnies. › American Checkered Giant › Black Silver › British Dwarf Lop › Many more..
Bunnies are usually happier when they have another bunny to play with.
Bunnies can be house trained in a litter box like cats. With their ears they hear all, sense all and when they are warm their ears cool them down. Bunnies do get scared very easy.
Bunnies eat hay, rabbit food pellets and fresh vegetables. They mostly drink water.
They can fit in a humans hand. The babies have no smell, so it helps them stay hidden.
Bug Bunny is from the kids show Looney Tunes.
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