Senior Design Project Senior Design Project – Non-Destructive Joint Test Method & Equipment Development Sponsor: Delphi Automotive – Harrison Radiator Division Team Members: Aleksandra Soldo - IE - Team Leader Lauren Williams - IE Joshua Chan - ME Robert Lefferts - ME Elizabeth A. Kesel - ME Jason Mitchell - EE Thinh Cao - EE
Senior Design Project 2 Team Members Top(Left to right): Thinh Cao – EE, Jason Mitchell – EE, Joshua Chan – ME Bottom (Left to right): Lauren Williams – IE, Elizabeth A. Kesel – ME, Aleksandra Soldo – IE (Team Leader), Robert Lefferts – ME
Senior Design Project 3 Scope Develop a non destructive test method and equipment/tools to verify the long term integrity of the clinch portion of a heater core pipe to neckshell assembly for an assembly process in a production environment. 1.Understand/Define the correlation between Joint Integrity and the pressure & temperatures at which they will leak. Develop a test method for production environment. 2.How to accurately measure clinch.
Senior Design Project 4 Long-term Objectives Improve overall quality throughout the process by providing useful data and an accurate measurement system Reduce process variation to be more cost effective and efficient Help Delphi improve customer relations through improved product quality
Senior Design Project 5 Parameters and Deliverables Clinch Measurement System Must be non destructive. Must be applicable to the HC 340 and all heater core assemblies. The cost of equipment must not exceed $75,000. Must meet operator safety requirements as well as be ergonomically acceptable and environmentally friendly. Must be integrated within the planned assembly/test process. Equipment must pass MSA. Must not adversely effect performance of joint or heater core assembly for use by the customer for the life of the product. Must be in production by April Test must be conducted within cycle time of production assembly (~20 sec). Clinch vs. Leak Correlation Statistical proof of correlation between clinch and leak.
Senior Design Project 6 Clinch Information Delphi has a 2 mm maximum clinch gap specification. Each heater core has 2 joints. 3 clinches are used at each joint. Clinch gap is currently measured 4 times per shift by hand. Poor clinches are failed through physical inspection.
Senior Design Project 7 Assembly Process Map
Senior Design Project 8 Leak Test Failure MaterialMachine Man Mother NatureMethods Out of spec. components Neck-shell Pipes O-ring Damaged or contaminated components Neck-shell – Incorrectly brazed Pipes – Physical markings O-ring Malfunctioning assembly tools Clinch tool – Not clinched far enough – Clinched on the wrong surface – Clinch deforming neck shell Hold down tool – Held down on the wrong surface Operator Error Misaligned insertion of pipe into neck-shell Mishandled components Temperature Changes Change in temperature causes the density of air to change Measurement Error Malfunctioning system Non calibrated system Process Variation Process varies slightly for each model heater core Potential Root Causes of Leak Test Failure
Senior Design Project 9 Concepts Clinch Measurement Camera system Tool measurement Laser System X-ray Correlation Testing REMAN Facilities Build our own leak fixture Use of Delphi resources in Rochester Use of Delphi resources in Lockport
Senior Design Project 10 Feasibility for Measurement Systems 1 (Low)23 (Med)45 (High) CameraX LaserX Tool TravelX X-rayX Pros: Camera: The system is designed to measure gap at a high accuracy. Camera system is already designed and built. The system is expensive because it is already designed and built. Laser: System can precisely measure gap of clinch. Laser system already designed and built. System is expensive. Tool Travel: System to measure the travel of the clinch tool. The system would be simple to implement. System would be inexpensive to design and build. X-ray: System would give good image of gap clinch. Cons: Camera: Pipe coming out of heater core might block image of all three clinches. The system needs to be tested with clinched heater cores to determine repeatability of tests. Laser: Possible reflection problem from gap. The laser beam might not reflect properly due to the high reflectivity of the heater core. The system needs to be tested with clinched heater cores to determine repeatability of tests. Tool Travel: The current fixture does not hold the heater core securely in place, causing the heater core to sometimes move in the fixture. This movement causes inaccuracy in the tool travel. The fixture is currently being redesigned by Delphi to eliminate this problem. X-ray: The system would require a large machine and the production time would not comply with the specified production time required to be viable for mass production. Also, the gap of the clinch would not be easily measurable.
Senior Design Project 11 Feasibility for Testing Correlation Delphi LockportDelphi RochesterREMAN FacilitiesDesign A Stand Cost5452 Air Pressure Capability5515 Temperature Capability5555 Leak Measurement Capability1515 Accessibility1555 Setup Ease and Time5311 Test Speed5422 Consistency in oiling o-rings and the effects way flow (pressure vs. vacuum) Capability5515 Safety5535 Total scale between being the most feasible and 1 being the least
Senior Design Project 12 Feasibility for Testing Correlation cont. Pros: Delphi Lockport – Already set-up for the test we would be emulating; no cost Delphi Rochester – Easily accessible; equipment only requires slight modification; can measure leak; minor cost REMAN Facilities – Highly accessible Design a Stand – We could design it to meet all of our needs Cons: Delphi Lockport – Not easily accessible; Does not measure leak Delphi Rochester – Needs set-up time and minor modifications REMAN Facilities – Not set-up for our needs (Fluid medium is water instead of air; very crude set-up which needs major modification; not cost & time effective) Design a Stand – Not time and cost effective; out of scope of project
Senior Design Project 13 Concept Selection Camera Features of Camera System Ultra-high-speed processing of 20,000 parts/min. Digital Image transfer Repeatability of ±0.05 pixels On-screen statistical data processing High-speed rotation search Trend edge function Edge area correction Super-sensitive imaging
Senior Design Project 14 Concept Selection Delphi Rochester Test Theory Purpose: To measure the leak rate of heat core clinches How it works: We will plug the outlet pipe on each core and flow air through the inlet pipe. Leak will be measured through a flow gauge. Test Procedure: 1. Test parts sequentially at 25 psi, 35 psi, 45 psi, 55 psi at room temperature (74º F). 2. Test each parts sequentially at 25 psi, 35 psi, 45 psi, 55 psi at 175º F 3. Test each parts sequentially at 25 psi, 35 psi, 45 psi, 55 psi at 200º F 4. Test each parts sequentially at 25 psi, 35 psi, 45 psi, 55 psi at 225º F 5. Test each parts sequentially at 25 psi, 35 psi, 45 psi, 55 psi at 250º F
Senior Design Project 15 Analysis Variables Pressure Temperature Clinch Gap Possible Variables Oil on O-rings Markings on neck shells Response Leak Rate Analysis Procedure Regression analysis Determine max conditions for a given leak rate Determine test’s confidence
Senior Design Project 16 Summary of Accomplishments Understood project definitions and scope Developed concepts to meet requirements of the deliverables Researching of ideas and concepts discussed Feasibility Assessment of all concepts Final Concept Development
Senior Design Project 17 Future Plan Use camera system on trial basis for 2 weeks in order to formulate a more detailed plan for measurement Implementation of camera system into Delphi production Complete Leak Fixture modification Complete Testing Analyze test results for possible correlation
Senior Design Project 18 Additional Questions?