Successful Farming Sprayer Calibration Project Robert E. Wolf Associate Professor - Extension Specialist Application Technology Bio & Ag Engineering Kansas State University Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Calibration!!!! Ensuring that the spray output is what it is supposed to be!
Calibration/Nozzle Selection: What is the first step? Use label to select the –application volume –product rate Choose an appropriate travel speed - MPH Effective width of application –nozzle spacing Calculate GPM – Flow rate per nozzle Select the correct size of nozzle!
Page 9 – Turbo Flat-fan Page 12 – XR Fat-fan Page 15 – AI Flat-fan Nozzle Selection Chart:
Checking for accuracy Check several new nozzles –flow rate within 5-7% of desired output? Check flow rate frequently –adjust pressure to compensate for small changes output due to wear Replace nozzles & recalibrate when: –output > 7% change from new nozzle –when pattern becomes uneven
Nozzle types tested: Spraying Systems/TeeJet - newly purchased XR11003, TT11003, AI11003, TTJ11003, and TTI11003 XR= conventional, TT = chamber, AI = venturi (air induction), TTJ = double outlet chamber, and TTI = chamber and venturi in combo Raven 440 Controller: 40 PSI - 10 GPA MPH (radar measured) Distance traveled during test = 726 linear feet Time to travel 726 feet = 56 sec (converts to 8.9 MPH – matches radar) Area sprayed during the test = 1 acre (726 * 60/43,560) Nozzle flow rate – chart standard for 03 orifice = 0.3 gpm at 40 PSI 0.3 gpm converts to 38.4 ounces/min = 0.64 ounces/second Expected output in test travel time (56s) = 35.8 oz/min/nozzle (0.64 * 56) Suggested error standard (TeeJet) of + or – 5 to 7% from expected flow We used + or – 7% as our allowable from expected output 35.8 *.07 = 2.5 ounces 35.8 – 2.5 = 33.3 ounces for lower end limit = 38.3 ounces for higher end limit Test Parameters
Male Catheter Rubber placed over nozzle cap for each collection. Served as the air inlet plug for AI and TTI plugged test in rep 5. XR TT TTJ AI TTI Surgical hose on AI
37 nozzles – 4 types (9), 10 GPA, 8.9 MPH, 40 PSI
37 nozzles – 4 types (9), 35.8 oz. expected, + or - 7% error 10 GPA, 8.9 MPH, 40 PSI
37 nozzles – 4 types (9), 35.8 oz. expected, + or - 7% error 10 GPA, 8.9 MPH, 40 PSI
Calibration!!!! The next phase! Ensuring that the spray droplet spectrum is what it is supposed to be to maximize efficacy while minimizing drift!
ASABE S-572 Droplet Size Standard
See Page 182, TeeJet Catalog 50
Droplet Selection/Calibration: p. 15
Disclaimer: Brand names appearing in this presentation are for identification and illustration purposes only. No endorsement is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned.
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