Welcome the third Scottish Government Labour Market Forum 5 th April 2012
Scotland’s Labour Market – Latest Developments Alan Winetrobe Employability, Skills and Lifelong Learning Analysis 5 th April 2012
How has Scotland’s Economy fared compared to the UK? Scottish & UK GVA Growth (Quarter-on-Quarter)
Employment rate (16-64),
Unemployment rate (16+),
Unemployment rate by gender (16+), Scotland & UK,
Unemployment rate by age-group, Scotland,
Long-term claimant count by age-group, Scotland,
Labour Market Flows, Scotland, Jul-Sep’11 to Oct-Dec’11
Trends in work patterns in Scotland
Reasons for Part-time work, Scotland, 2000 to 2011
Percentage point change in Claimant Count rate over one and two years by Local Authority
Annual percentage point change in claimant count rate yr olds by Local Authority
Change in level of long-term claimant count over the year, by local authority
Percentage change in employee jobs by industry sector, Dec Dec 2011, Scotland and UK