Name that New Deal! What’s the Deal?
Emergency Banking Relief Act 0 March 5 th, Authorized the Treasury Department to inspect the country’s banks while they were closed 0 Only the stable banks were allowed to reopen 0 Revived public faith in the banks
Glass-Steagall Act Established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 0 Insured all bank accounts up to $5,000 0 Required banks to act cautiously with their customer’s money
Federal Securities Act 0 May Required corporations to provide complete information on all stock offerings and made them liable for any misrepresentations.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 0 June Meant to regulate the stock market 0 Goal was to prevent people with inside information about companies from “rigging” the stock market for their own profit
21 st Amendment Repealed prohibition in order to create tax revenues
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) Raised crop prices by lowering production, which the government achieved by paying farmers to leave a certain amount of every acre of land unseeded 0 Upset many Americans bc food was being destroyed while people were going hungry (restaurant throwing out food)
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 0 May 18, Constructed 20 new dams, created thousands of jobs, and provided flood control, hydroelectric power, and other benefits to an impoverished region.
Civilian Conservation Core (CCC) 0 Put young men aged 18 to 25 to work building roads, developing parks, planting trees, and helping in soil- erosion and flood-control projects 0 Planted over 200 million trees in an effort to prevent another dust bowl
Civil Works Administration (CWA) 0 November Created as part of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) to provide money to states to create jobs for the construction of schools and other community buildings 0 Built 40,000 schools and paid the salaries of more than 50,000 schoolteachers in America’s rural areas. It also built more than half a million miles of roads.
National Recovery Administration (NRA) 0 Set prices of many products and established standards 0 Goal was to promote recovery by interrupting the trend of wage cuts, falling prices, and layoffs. 0 Gave concessions to big businesses, but also allowed unions to collectively bargain
Works Progress Administration (WPA) 0 Goal was to create as many jobs as possible as quickly as possible 0 Built 850 airports throughout the country 0 Constructed or repaired 651,000 miles of roads and streets 0 Put up more than 125,000 public buildings
National Youth Administration (NYA) 0 Created to provide education, jobs, counseling, and recreation for young people. 0 Provided student aid to high school, college, and graduate students. 0 In exchange, students worked in part-time positions at their schools.
Fair Labor Standards Act Set maximum hours at 44 hours per week, decreasing to 40 hours after 2 years
Social Security Act Supplemental Retirement plan 0 Unemployment Compensation system 0 Disabled and dependent children
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Mediator organization in labor disputes between unions and employers 0 Enforcer of the Wagner Act which prohibited businesses from 0 Threatening workers who wanted to join unions 0 Firing union members 0 Interfering with union organizing