13.4.Sterling’s Series Derivation from Euler-Maclaurin Integration Formula Euler-Maclaurin integration formula : B2B2 B4B4 B6B6 B8B8 1/6 1/30 1/42 1/30 Let
Stirling’s series
z >> 1 : Stirling approx A = Arfken’s two-term approx. using Mathematica
13.5.Riemann Zeta Function Riemann Zeta Function : Integral representation : Proof : Mathematica
Definition : Contour Integral 0 for Re z >1 diverges for Re z <1 agrees with integral representation for Re z > 1 C1C1
Similar to , Definition valid for all z (except for z integers). Analytic Continuation Poles at Re z > 1 C C 1 encloses no pole. C C 1 encloses all poles. means n 0 Mathematica
Riemann’s Functional Equation Riemann’s functional equation
Zeta-Function Reflection Formula zeta-function reflection formula
Riemann’s functional equation : fortrivial zeros converges for Re z > 1 (z) is regular for Re z < 0. (0) diverges (1) diverges while (0) is indeterminate. Since the integrand inis always positive, (except for the trivial zeros) or i.e., non-trivial zeros of (z) must lie in the critical strip
Critical Strip Consider the Dirichlet series : Leibniz criterion series converges if, i.e., for
(0) Simple poles :
Euler Prime Product Formula ( no terms ) Euler prime product formula
Riemann Hypothesis Riemann found a formula that gives the number of primes less than a given number in terms of the non-trivial zeros of (z). Riemann hypothesis : All nontrivial zeros of (z) are on the critical line Re z ½. Millennium Prize problems proposed by the Clay Mathematics Institute. 1. P versus NP 2. The Hodge conjecture 3. The Poincaré conjecture ( proved by G.Perelman in 2003 ) 4. The Riemann hypothesis 5. Yang–Mills existence and mass gap 6. Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness 7. The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
13.6.Other Related Functions 1.Incomplete Gamma Functions 2.Incomplete Beta Functions 3.Exponential Integral 4.Error Function
Incomplete Gamma Functions Integral representation: Exponential integral
Series Representation for (n, x)
Series Representation for (n, x)
Series Representation for (a, x) & (a, x) For non-integral a : See Ex & Ex Pochhammer symbol Relation to hypergeometric functions: see § 18.6.
Incomplete Beta Functions Ex Relation to hypergeometric functions: see § 18.5.
Exponential Integral Ei(x) P = Cauchy principal value E 1, Ei analytic continued. Branch-cut : ( x)–axis. Mathematica
Series Expansion For x << 1 : For x >> 1 :
Sine & Cosine Integrals Ci(z) & li(z) are multi-valued. Branch-cut : ( x)–axis. is an entire function not defined Mathematica
Series expansions : Ex Asymptotic expansions : § 12.6.
Error Function Power expansion : Asymptotic expansion (see Ex ) : Mathematica