SUDS Research Dr Martin Mansell School of Engineering and Science University of Paisley
Current Research Frequent Storm Storage Unit Water Balance of Paved Surfaces
Frequent Storm Storage Treatment Unit Plan void formers 10mm gravel sand porous pipes geotextile membrane central chamber area for 2D modelling
Frequent Storm Storage Treatment Unit Section
Storage Unit Rig
Water Levels in Tank
Water Levels in Sand and Gravel
Water Quality Results LocationTime (mins.) pHSus. solids (mg/L ) BOD (mg/L) COD (mg/L) inlet inlet outlet outlet < 3<10 outlet < 3<10
Metal Concentration
Salt Concentration
Issues to be Resolved Sediment in pipe
Issues to be Resolved Loss of Voids Treatment Efficiency (esp metals) Groundwater interaction Surcharging Long term Maintenance
Water Balance Principles Depression storage Infiltration Paved surface Soil Filter Drain Runoff Evaporation Precipitation infiltrationjoint flow
c) Rough relief surface E I R MC(%) b) Medium relief surface E I MC(%) Depth Infiltration MC(%) Depth Evaporation MC(%) Depth Infiltration and Evaporation profile for different surface types a) Smooth relief surface E I R Surface Texture
Infiltration EvaporationPrecipitation Runoff Brick weighing to measure the infiltrated water Cross section of brick slab investigated Measurement of Water Balance under Field Conditions
5 Slabs under Field Conditions Brick, Concrete, Asphalt slabs Weather Station Rainfall raingauge Runoff gaugeRespective cubes
Water Balance Model Q1 Q2 S2S2max Infiltration (I) Precipitation (P)Evaporation (E) Runoff (R) S1S1max Joint Flow (J)Q1 Cross section of paved surface
Water Balance Model