Daventry Music Centre on Tour Paris 2012
Pre-tour concert Crick Church Arrive 4pm Bring packed tea Wear concert dress – white tops/ black bottoms Concert starts 7pm Tickets on sale next week - £4
Departure 5.30am Ssssh! Phoenix Youth Centre car park
Itinerary – Day 1 Eurotunnel Arrive at 3pm at Eiffel Tower Depart Eiffel Tower 5pm approx Arrive youth centre 6.30pm approx Evening meal and rehearsal
Itinerary – Day 2 Sightseeing Concert in Moret-sur-Loing Evening meal and rehearsal
Itinerary – Day 3 Sightseeing Shopping Concert Evening Boat Trip
Itinerary – Day 4 Depart for Daventry Arrive late afternoon/ early evening Meet back at Phoenix Youth Centre car park
Luggage One small suitcase Clearly labelled Pack a towel! Remember plug adapters for phones etc
Clothing Please no England shirts of any sporting persuasion No union jacks The 3 B’s Comfortable/ sensible clothes Prepare for rain... Comfortable shoes are an absolute must
Concert Dress Tour Hoodie Black Trousers/ Skirt White shirt/ blouse Black shoes
Meals IncludedNot included Day 1Evening MealLunch Day 2Breakfast, Evening MealLunch Day 3Breakfast, Packed TeaLunch Day 4BreakfastLunch
Spending money Some £ sterling for services in England Recommended at least €50 Small change if you have any
Keeping yourself safe Don’t talk to strangers in Paris – they may approach you! Beware of pickpockets Keep hands in your pockets… especially on the way to Arc de Triomphe and on the steps up to the Sacre-Coeur.
Behaviour Perfect behaviour... Especially by the water... And on the Champs Elysees... And in the shopping centre... No smoking No alcohol under the age of 18 No purchasing penknives or laser pens
Instruments Clearly labelled In their cases Spare strings/ reeds Rosin/ black holes Instruments are insured but only up to £300 Check your household insurance
Passport/ EHIC No passport= no travel!