Download the website to work locally Tool: Surf Offline 1.0 Create PERL program to extract website structure information and storage in Oracle Create Oracle Schema to store data Tools: TOAD 9.0, Oracle9i Tools: PERL 5.8 Create PERL programs to crawl the website and store data In Oracle Tools: PERL 5.8 Create the Matrix with links structure P1P2P3P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 Tool: Surf Offline 1.0 Excel …......
P1P2P3P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 What can of thinks can I do with this Matrix? Visualize the website structure …......
TABLES HTML_DOCUMENT HTML_LINK HTML_MATRIX PL/SQL PERL 5.8 Excel Different Formats SQL PAJEK NETDRAW Collect Data Visualizing Graph VIEWS HTML_1_255 HTML_256_510 HTML_511_756 HTML_757_ Webpages Surfoffline example1 example2 example3 ARCHITECTURE
SQL Scripts to create input files with different formats