Geography Gold Rush Railroads Settling The Plains Indians Conflicts
The flat area of the US A 100
The largest mountain range in the West A 200
A 300 This substance was used to build homes on the Plains because of its lack of timber
This feature was blasted out by Chinese immigrants to lay railroad tracks A 400
The nickname for the flattest landmass out West A 500
B 100 The nickname for the first migrators during the Gold Rush
B 200 The term used for a town in the West that flourishes because of deposits of gold
No more Iron Ore leads to this B 300
This group ran boarding houses and restaurants among other things B 400
The name of gold-seekers B 500
The name of the railroad that connected the East with the West C 100
The name of the rail company that began building in Omaha C 200
The rail workers most skilled in explosives. C 300
C 400
The location of the golden spike C 500
The primary source of food for the Plains Indians D 100
This creature allowed natives to abandon farming in the 17 th century D 200
D 300 This piece of legislation tried to get Indians to become like White Americans
D 400 The festival where the Great Spirit is asked for a year of good fortune
D 500 Reminiscing about the great past
E 100 Native troops were accidentally responsible for his death
The innocent slaughter of a Cheyenne village E 200
The first major victory by the Indians over the US army E 300
The last flight from the reservation led by Bigfoot that ended in defeat for the Lakotas E 400
E 500 The agreement that granted settlers safe passage in return for lands for the Natives
F 100 The invention that gave settlers water
This revolutionized soil tilling F 200
F 300 This gave “Free land” to people
A name of a group of farmers who pooled their supplies F 400
F 500 This group wanted to “Free Silver”
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Change over time. Please record your wager.
How did the US Government solve the “Indian Problem?” Team with the most methods and supporting facts wins.
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A 100 Great Plains
A 200 Rocky Mountains
A 300 Sod
A 400 Sierra Mountains
A 500 Great American Desert or Tornado Alley
B ers
B 200 Boom Towns
B 300 Bust Towns or Ghost Towns
B 400 Women
B 500 Prospectors
C 100 Transcontinental Railroad
C 200 Union Pacific
C 300 Chinese
C 400 Golden Spike Ceremony
C 500 Promontory Point, Utah
D 100 Bison
D 200 Horse
D 300 Dawe’s Act
D 400 Sundance
D 500 Ghostdance
E 100 Sitting Bull
E 200 Chivington/Sand Creek Massacre
E 300 The Battle of Little Bighorn or Greasy Grass
E 400 The Battle of Wounded Knee
E 500 Fort Laramie Treaty
E 100 Windmill
E 200 Steel Plow or Sod busting
E 300 Homestead Act
E 400 The Grange or Farmer’s Alliance
E 500 The Populist Party
E 500