Digital Imagery Quiz – Review Plank Jr. High – DIWD Class Mr. Brown
Characteristics of a Digital Image It can be captured several 1 ways: –By camera –By an image scanner –By Cell phone Is stored on a Flash Drive, Memory Card, or Computer as numerical data 2 called Bits 3 (i.e., ) Memory Card and Flash are similar 4 technologies known as “Solid State Storage” Is converted into the image 5 by the camera or computer
There are many 6 types of Memory Cards or Flash Drives San Disk Cards – Sony Cards – Fuji Cards - [Photo Courtesy of:
Memory Cards or Flash Drives Are a rapid 7 changing technology Come in various sizes 8 and prices 9 (e.g., 500mb, 1gb, 4gb, 128gb, etc.) Can only fit so many images 10 before they are FULL! Take a minute to look at one of the major manufacturer web sites:
Importing Images from a Memory Card to a Computer Most cameras come with a connector 11 cable Memory Card readers 12 direct connect to your computer and fit many types of Memory Cards Connections are via the USB Port 13 on your computer Newer computers have built-in 14 Memory Card readers A computer can fit only so many images 15 before it FILLS up!
Image Quality Key Terms (see definition on Wikipedia for each) Pixel - An abbreviation of the words “picture element 16 ”. Is a measurement of the resolution in a digital camera. Image Resolution – A measurement of the amount of detail 17 that can be recorded in a digital image. The higher the number, the greater the image quality. DPI (Dots per inch 18 ) – Is a measure of image density in terms of the number of individual dots that are recorded in a 1 inch by 1 inch square dimension. Tends to correlate to an images resolution MegaPixel - A megapixel is 1 million pixels 19, and is a term used to express the ability of a digital camera to take high quality pictures.
An example of Pixel Density This example shows an image with a portion greatly enlarged, in which the individual pixels are rendered as little squares and can easily be seen.
Image Quality and Computer Storage Most images are captured and stored on a Memory Card or a Computer Hard Drive in Kilobytes 20 KB 21 – an abbreviation for Kilobytes The higher the quality setting 22 used on the camera, the larger the image 23 and computer file size 24 that will result The larger the image or file size, the larger the Memory Card or Computer Hard Disk Drive you will need
Converting Kilobytes… Know how to use the conversion calculator found on this web site: omputerstorage.php Also know how to determine the number of images that will fit on –an 8 GB Memory Card –a 100 GB Web Hosting Plan –Convert Hard Drive size from Gigabytes to Kilobytes, then divide by Image Size
Photo Capture Assignment Example
Image tags can be found by “right-clicking 25 ” on the picture
JPEG 26 – Is a compressed image format. Very common on the Internet for its smaller size and portability Search for “Image File Formats 27 ” Image Computer File Formats
Adobe Photoshop Is used to compress 28 images into JPEG format There are four 29 main levels of JPEG compression (Max, High, Med, and Low). When an image is compressed, it’s computer file size is reduced, but it’s quality is not diminished Compressed JPEG images are the most common images found on web sites Is used to change an image size 30 (for example, from 5x7” to Billboard size, etc.) Is used to adjust image colors 31, hue/saturation, and balance Is used to seamlessly blend 32 two images together into one Has many other tools 33 for creating graphic designs
When to use High Quality vs. Low Quality Images Use High Quality 34 Images When: –It’s a studio setting 35 such as family picture or art work –You want to blow an image up to larger sizes (e.g., Billboard size, etc.) Use Lower Quality 36 Images When: –You’re out having fun with friends or family –You’re publishing a Web site 37 so your web pages will load faster for visitors –To save space 38 on your Memory Card, Computer Hard Drive, Web Hosting Plan