BSC1011L Plant Field Trip Worksheet
Numbers correspond to plants. For more information, see the “A Tour of the Wertheim Conservatory” link under “Supplementary Materials” on the Biology 2 lab website. Wertheim Conservatory NN
Conservatory Walk Use the guide and map to identify the species listed below. Find each species, write the common name (if provided) next to the Latin name provided, and write a brief description or make a drawing of it. Example: Etlingera elatior, torch ginger: spirally arranged leaves smooth edged leaves with large red flower on separate stalk 1.Drynaria quercifolia 7.Selaginella uncinata 11.Dsemerocarpus ochrolepsis 21.Sphaeropteris cooperi 23.Adiantum capillis-veneris 25.Equisetum hyemenale 24.Pteris tripartita 29. Theobroma cacao 27.Mosses and liverworts. Draw the gemma cups on the liverwort Marchantia and any visible reproductive organs on the mosses.
Questions for Preserve Walk For more information, see the “Field Guide to the South Florida Ecosystem Preserve” link under “Supplementary Materials” on the Biology 2 lab website. 1. Draw and describe the stroboli of a female cycad. 2. What is the name of the cycad native to South Florida and its associated butterfly? 3. Why is the bald cypress called “bald”? What is the natural process that created this phenomenon? 4.What is the geology of S. Florida (what types of soil/rocks is the ground composed of)? 5. Define succession in your own words. 6. What is the leaf arrangement of the trema (Trema micrantha)? 7. What is the leaf arrangement of the pigeon plum (Cocoloba diversifolia)? 8. What is the leaf arrangement of the wild coffee (Psychotria nervosa)? 9. Why is the gumbo limbo (Simbaruba glauca) called “tourist tree,” and what is the benefit of its green bark? 10. What is an invasive species? Please define and give at least 2 examples.