Developing a new anatomy curriculum for nurses Dr Michelle Welsh University Teacher 1
The problem 3
4 The solution?
Career relevant Student led Problem solving based Inter- disciplinary InteractiveDidactic 5 The solution?
6 PeerwiseAropaLabs Enquiry based tutorials Tutor involvedStudent led The changes
7 The perception Score Lecture4.6 Tutorials4.6 Laboratory4.4 Lecture on Moodle4.4 Peerwise – Answer3.9 Aropa - Write Exam3.8 Peerwise – Submit3.5 Aropa - Review Exam3.2 Aropa - Write Reflection3.2 Aropa - Peer Reflection3.0 Student perception of usefulness Evaluated through student questionnaire
8 The perception Score Lecture4.6 Tutorials4.6 Laboratory4.4 Lecture on Moodle4.4 Peerwise – Answer3.9 Aropa - Write Exam3.8 Peerwise – Submit3.5 Aropa - Review Exam3.2 Aropa - Write Reflection3.2 Aropa - Peer Reflection3.0 Student perception of usefulness Student led
9 The perception could be improved by the lecturer marking them would rather get feedback from the lecturer
10 The perception Score Lecture4.6 Tutorials4.6 Laboratory4.4 Lecture on Moodle4.4 Peerwise – Answer3.9 Aropa - Write Exam3.8 Peerwise – Submit3.5 Aropa - Review Exam3.2 Aropa - Write Reflection3.2 Aropa - Peer Reflection3.0 Student perception of usefulness Variety is the spice of life!
Peerwise 11
12 Peerwise
Peer assessment –Consolidates & deepens understanding –Highlights importance of presenting work clearly –Promotes self-confidence & reflection Students - writing > reviewing essays Students fear marker bias Questioned student capability as marker 13 Aropa
15 Student grades
16 Student grades
17 Student grades
Interactive teaching improved satisfaction ? Impact on student performance ? Impact on student responsibility Transferring their skills to other LS? Just a good year? Not assessing them ‘correctly’ 18 Conclusions
People remember...People can… Discuss Analyse Create Demo Apply Practice Define List Describe 10% 20% 30% 50% 70% 90% Read Hear View images Watch videos Attend exhibits Watch demo Participate in workshop Collaborate design lesson Experience a lesson/simulate Do the real thing
Dr Jane Mackenzie, Learning & Teaching UoG Nursing staff – Leila Dunn, Deirdre Morairty & Graham Macintosh Nursing students 20 Acknowledgments