Variety is the Spice of Life! The Redesign Alliance Annual Conference March 19, 2007 Sally P. Search, Ph.D. Tallahassee Community College
Why build in choices? Students vary in terms of: Skill level Interests Learning preferences Motivation and locus of control Experiences Outside responsibilities
Building Choices into Freshman Composition Blackboard Diagnostic assessment Online tutorials, assessment, feedback Whole class activities Small group activities One-on-one conferencing Menu of assignments Choice of classroom and online activities
Building Choices into Mathematics Developmental Diagnostic assessment Multi-media Interactive Math (24 hour access) Immediate feedback Whole class discussion Mini-lectures Individual assistance Intermediate Algebra On-line homework Immediate feedback Reinforces process Reinforces mathematical langauage Real world application Modeling and interpretation Higher order thinking
Building Choices in Reading Diagnostic Assessment PLATO Individual learning plans Accelerated progress One-on-one assistance Small group activities
What are the benefits? Meets individual student needs Results in increased time-on-task motivation peer interaction faculty/student interaction development of metacognitive skills student responsibility critical thinking