Digestive System
Background Information Total length: 8-9 meters and 2/3 of this is the small intestine
Digestive System Sequence Lips Tongue Salivary Glands Pharynx Epiglottis Esophagus stomach small intestines large intestine rectum anus
Functions Lips: holds food in Teeth: chews up food Tongue: moves food around Salivary glands: produces saliva containing salt, mucus, amylase (starch) and lysozome (bacteria) form a BOLUS
Functions (con’t) Pharynx: passage for food/air Epiglottis: covering for the glottis (opening to larynx) Esophagus: 25 cm. long; both voluntary and involuntary muscle
Stomach Storage and digestion 2 sphincter muscles: top- cardiac sphincter bottom- pyloric sphincter Lining secretes substances to break down food (i.e. HCl) Chyme: mixture produced by digestion in the stomach
Small Intestine Chemical digestion and absorb 3 sections: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum Surface contains microvilli (finger like projections) to move food along
Large Intestine Absorbs water and minerals Also called colon Different sections: ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid
Accessory Organs Pancreas: produces enzymes that break down carbs, protein, lipids Liver: produces bile- dissolves fats; bile is stored in gallbladder
Movements Peristalsis: wavelike movement to move bolus toward stomach