Small Hydropower -- A transformational renewable and clean energy technology Presented by LIU Heng, Dr., Prof., DG International Centre on Small Hydro Power
SHP usually means installation < or = 10M. In some countries, there are different definition, because of different supporting policies for SHP develpment It varies from < 5M to 50M, e.g.: China: 50M (Rural Hydropower) Canada: 30M USA: 15M ICSHP, Norway, Brazil, Japan, Nigeria … 10M Vietnam, Nepal, Argentine… 5M
SHP has been approved as one of very successful energy application. China –By the end of 2010, about 45,000 SHP stations with total installed capacity 59,000 MW. The installation of SHP is over two Three-Gorges project –SHP is about 30% of total Hydro power (over 200,000 MW), National Total Power: 900,000 MW
SHP contribution and Function –SHP provides power guarantee for 1/2 of territory land, 1/3 counties (cities) and over 300 million rural people. Especially in remote rural areas, The rate of electricity access to household is 99.6% in rural hydropower developed areas.
SHP is a transformational technology: clean, affordable –More than 100 turbine and generator manufacturers –Over 200 supplemental facilities manufacturers –In some city/prefectures, there are design institutes; in many counties, there are construction teams
ICSHP: UNIDO consultative and implementing organization for SHP Secretariat of International Network for SHP: 380 members worldwide Secretariat of China’s Middle and Small Hydropower Manufacturer Association in China. Four SHP pilot bases.
SHP technology is easily applied in and transformed to developing countries. With UNIDO/GEF support: –Lighting-up Rural Africa Shiwang’andu SHP in Zambia 4 Pilot potentials in SL and Liberia –Application in LAC