Green Energies Hydro By Tyra and Isabella
What is Green Energy? Green energy is energy that is collected from natural recourses such as the sun, water, wind, geo thermal and bio fuel. Green energy is better for the environment and unlike fossil fuels it doesn’t take thousands of years to produce. People use green energy to reduce the carbon dioxide in the air and help stop global warming and preventing places like Antarctica melting and saving many animals and peoples lives.
What is hydro energy and how is it collected? Hydroelectricity is when falling water from reservoirs or flowing water like waterfalls, streams and rivers, is channelled through water turbines. The pressure of the flowing water pushes the turbine blades, which causes the shaft to rotate. The rotating shaft drives an electric generator which converts the motion of the shaft into energy. Hydropower is one of the most advanced renewable technologies.
Hydro plants around Australia Hydro plants around the world China: Three Gorges dam Xiluodu Russia: Krasnoyarsk Bratsk Canada: W.A.C Bennett dam La Grande-3 Iran: Masjed Soleyman dam Karun I (Shahid Abbaspour) dam NSW: Snowy River hydro plant Oaky River Tasmania: Tarraleah Paloona Victoria: Bogong Dartmouth Queensland: Wivenhoe Kareeya Snowy River hydro plant W.A.C Bennett dam
What's Possible? We could use food scraps to power our vehicles. We could find a way of mining the moon or some other way of collecting energy from it. We could add sodium and water together to make an explosion to power our vehicles (like petrol).