Efficient Gaussian Process Regression for large Data Sets ANJISHNU BANERJEE, DAVID DUNSON, SURYA TOKDAR Biometrika, 2008
Introduction We have noisy observations from the unknown function observed at locations respectively The prediction for new input x, Where K_{f,f} is n x n covariance matrix. Problem: O(n^3) in performing necessary matrix inversions with n denoting the number of data points The unknown function f is assumed to be a realization of a GP.
Key idea Existing solutions : “Knots” or “landmarks” based solutions – Determining the location and spacing of knots, with the choice having substantial impact Methods have been proposed for allowing uncertain numbers and locations of knots in the predictive process using reversible jump – Unfortunately, such free knot methods increase the computational burden substantially, partially eliminating the computational savings due to a low rank method Motivated by the literature on compressive sensing, the authors propose an alternative random projection of all the data points onto a lower- dimensional subspace
Nystrom Approximation (Williams and Seeger, 2000)
Landmark based Method Let X*= Let, Defining An approximation to
Random projection method The key idea for random projection is to use instead of where Let be the random projection approximation to,
Some properties When m = n, So, and we get back the original process with a full rank random projection Relation to Nystrom approximation – Approximation in the machine learning literature were viewed as reduced rank approximations to the covariance matrices – It is easy to see that corresponds to a Nystrom approximation to
Choice of Ф
Low Distortion embeddings Embed matrix K from a using random projection matrix Embeddings with low distortion properties have been well-studied and J-L transforms are among the most popular –
Given a fixed rank m what is the near optimal projection for that rank m?
Finding range for a given target error condition
Results Conditioning numbers – Full covariance matrix for a smooth GP tracked at a dense set of locations will be ill-conditioned and nearly rank-deficient in practice – Inverses may be highly unstable and severely degrade inference
Results Parameter estimation (Toy data)
Results Parameter estimation (real data)