PASSHE Operating Budget Finance, Administration, and Facilities Committee Board of Governors July 8, 2013
E&G Budget Dollars in millions *FY 2008/09 E&G Appropriation is net of midyear budget cuts. **2009/10 and 2010/11 includes ARRA SFSF funds.
1988/89 18% reduction ($90M)
PASSHE Funding and Enrollment History
History of Tuition and Average Fees 2000/01 – 2012/13 22% less than 2010 National Average: $17,860 National Increase: 112% PASSHE Increase: 89% PSU Average: $26,134 PSU Increase: 95%*
Tuition and Average Fees 2012/13 by University 22% less than 2010
Revised Budget Projections Dollars in Millions Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding. Revenue/Sources2012/132013/14$ % Tuition$831.1$825.5($5.6)(0.7%) Fees (0.3)(0.2%) State Appropriation % All Other Revenue % Use of Carryforward Funds (20.3)(35.3%) Total Revenue/Sources$1,537.9$1,512.6($25.3)(1.6%) Expenditures & Transfers Salaries & Wages$787.8$800.4$ % Benefits % Subtotal, Compensation$1,112.7$1,157.7$ % All Other Expenditures/Transfers % Total Expenditures & Transfers$1,537.9$1,589.6$ % Revenue/Sources Less Expenditures/Transfers $0.0($77.0)
E&G Budget Request vs. Funding Dollars in Millions
Cost Containment Results Efforts made in recent years to become more efficient and reduce costs include: Workforce management--400 fewer funded positions Streamlining course offerings and academic programs Consolidated operations--such as electronic library services, distance education and construction services Better utilization of technology to improve operations and student services Multi-year collaborative procurements Energy utilization reductions Over the last 10 years, base budget reductions of $285 million have reduced PASSHE’s budget by 16%.
Projected Retirement Costs 45 % 36 % SERS Rates as % of Salary 2012/1310.5% 2013/1415.1% 2017/1831.1%
2011/122012/132013/142014/15 Faculty $ $ $ $ AFSCME SCUPA Nonrepresented Other Students 22.6 Total Pay $ $ $ $ Change ($) $ 26.3 $ 19.6 $ 23.9 Change (%)3.5%2.5%3.0% Not in Original Budget$22.2$14.0N/A Estimated E&G Pay through Life of Contracts Dollars in Millions
Balancing the 2013/14 Budget FY2012/13 resident full-time undergraduate tuition rate is $6,428 per academic year.
Projected Percent Change in the Number of New High School Graduates, by County: Percent Change by County 66.7 to to to to to to -66.8
FY 2013/14 Budget Spring 2013 Revisions
Commonwealth Outlook “Pennsylvania economy is still in recovery and has not yet emerged from the ‘Great Recession.’” The New Normal: Mandatory expenditure increases projected to eclipse revenue projections. Pensions, healthcare, corrections, debt service The New Normal: Mandatory expenditure increases projected to eclipse revenue projections. Pensions, healthcare, corrections, debt service 13/14 enacted budget is $63 million less than Governor’s budget; excludes pension savings. State Revenues $56.9 million or 0.2% above estimate -1.8% 1.8% -1.4% *Estimates are not provided for July * 3.6% 4.8% -0.8% -2.8% -1.6% 0.9% 1.8% -1.7%
2013/14 Governor’s Recommendation Dollars in Millions Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding. Revenue/Sources2012/132013/14$ Change% Change Tuition$830.7$833.6$3.00.4% Fees % State Appropriation % All Other Revenue % Use of Carryforward Funds (4.7)-13.5% Total Revenue/Sources$1,522.8$1,522.6($0.2)(0.0%) Expenditures & Transfers Salaries & Wages$768.5$773.3$4.80.6% Benefits % Subtotal, Compensation$1,094.7$1,127.7$ % Utilities % Services & Supplies % Capital Expenditures & Transfers % Total Expenditures & Transfers$1,522.8$1,559.6$ % Revenue/Sources Less Expenditures/Transfers $0.0($37.1)
2013/14 Assumptions, Revised Enrollment Reductions in anticipated enrollment Salaries Salary adjustments have been added for APSCUF (faculty and coaches), SCUPA and nonrepresented employees Benefits Healthcare rates: 1% decrease - 3% increase Retirement increases: SERS—45%; PSERS—37% Operating Utilities: 3% increase; all other: similar to current year Capital/Transfers: similar to current year
Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding. Revised Enrollment Projections Annualized FTE Students 2012/13 % Change2013/14 FTE Change % Change Original Undergraduate96,205(2.2%)96, % Graduate10,609(6.7%)10,561(48)(0.4%) Total106,814(2.7%)107, % Revised Undergraduate95,889(2.5%)95,495(394)(0.4%) Graduate10,902(4.1%)10,734(168)(1.5%) Total106,791(2.7%)106,229(562)(0.5%) Difference(23)(865)
Agenda Revised Enrollment Projections Annualized Full-time Equivalent 5,801 or 5.2% less than 10/11
$ in Millions 18% Reduction ($90 Million PASSHE Appropriations
2013/14 Budget Adjustments Dollars in Millions *Original 2013/14 projection for PASSHE health care programs was a 7% increase; revised projection is a 2% increase; no change to PEBTF.