Timelines and Chronology Putting things in order!.


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Presentation transcript:

Timelines and Chronology Putting things in order!

Do Now 1. in your notebook, please put the following dates in order: December 31 st January 10 th October 9 th April 28 th May 7 th 2. Make a Timeline if you are feeling like going above and beyond!

Chronology Please put the following dates in chronological order: 1856, 1654, 1060, 1776, 2001 In your own words, what do you think chronology means? Why is it important to be able to put dates in chronological order?

Time before the Birth of Christ…this is NOT a Religion lesson According to many historians, Jesus Christ was born in the year zero. Time before 0 is referred to as BCE. BCE = Before Common Era What do you think the time after BCE is called?

Time after BCE…This is NOT a Religion Lesson Time after the Birth of Christ begins at year 0 CE = Common Era Time goes up as the years go by ( school year, for example) Time is referred to as the Common Era, why do you think this is?

DO NOW: Timelines Please put these dates in order: 5656 BCE, 1776 CE, 2010 CE, 1000 BCE 0 BCE CE

Chronology chro·nol·o·gy –noun, plural -gies. 1. the sequential order in which past events occur. 2. a statement of this order. 3. the science of arranging time in periods and ascertaining the dates and historical order of past events. 4. a reference work organized according to the dates of events What does this mean in your OWN words?

Exit Ticket In your notebook, please answer the following questions. 1. Put the following dates in order: 1776 BCE, 1000 BCE, 2010 CE, 1999 CE 2. Draw a timeline and label with: BCE, CE, and 0 3. What does the word “chronology” mean in your own words?