The puzzle pieces were separated and held apart. Secede, sedition, secret, seduce, segregate, select
Se = apart separate The puzzle pieces were separated and held apart. Secede, sedition, secret, seduce, segregate, select
Exclude include
The woman was excluded from the group. Preclude, exclusive, occlude, conclude
Clud = close Exclude include The woman was excluded from the group. Preclude, exclusive, occlude, conclude
The plural of puppy is puppies because there are more than one. Plus, pluralism, plurality, pluralize
Plu = more plural The plural of puppy is puppies because there are more than one. Plus, pluralism, plurality, pluralize
I use germicide to clean my house because the germs are so alive. Germinate, germane, germ, germinal
Germ = vital or life germicide I use germicide to clean my house because the germs are so alive. Germinate, germane, germ, germinal
infuse He infused the glass with water. Transfusion, infusion, fusion
infuse He infused the glass with water. Transfusion, infusion, fusion He infused the glass with water. Transfusion, infusion, fusion, fusillade, refuse, confusion
fus = pour infuse He infused the glass with water. Transfusion, infusion, fusion He infused the glass with water. Transfusion, infusion, fusion, fusillade, refuse, confusion
Cludevital Semore Pluclose Germapart Fuspour
He did not know the spy because he was traveling incognito. Recognize, precognition, cognizant
cogn = know incognito He did not know the spy because he was traveling incognito. Recognize, precognition, cognizant
Sonar uses sound to map the location of objects in the water. Consonant, resonant, unison, sonnet, sonorous, supersonic
Son = sound sonar Sonar uses sound to map the location of objects in the water. Consonant, resonant, unison, sonnet, sonorous, supersonic
The lady ate the apple because it was beneficial for her health. Benevolent, benign, benefit, benefactor, benediction
bene = good beneficial The lady ate the apple because it was beneficial for her health. Benevolent, benign, benefit, benefactor, benediction
o The people renovated their house so it would be like new again. o Innovate, nova, novel, novice, innovation
nov = new Renovation o The people renovated their house so it would be like new again. o Innovate, nova, novel, novice, innovation
The sanguine vampire bat liked to drink blood. Sanguinary, consanguinity, sangria
sangui = blood sanguine The sanguine vampire bat liked to drink blood. Sanguinary, consanguinity, sangria
Benesound Sonblood Novknow Sanguinew Cogngood
Beneapart Sonblood Novclose Sanguinew Cogngood Cludepour Semore Pluknow Germsound Fusvital