Private law ISLAMIC LAW Public law Munakahat (marriage law) Wirasah or Faraid law (inheritance law) Muamalah in special meaning Khilafah or al-Ahkam As-Sulthaniyah Jinayat or ‘Ukubat (criminal law) Siyar (international law) Mukhasamat (procedural law)
It regulates everything related to the marriage, the divorce, and their consequences. It regulates every problems that related to the testator, heir, inheritance, and the share of the inheritance. It regulates the problems of objects and the rights to objects, human relationships in buying and selling, leasing, loan, trust, etc. Munakahat (marriage law) Wirasah or Faraid law (inheritance law) Muamalah in special meaning
It contains the rules that regulate about acts which are threatened with punishment, both in jarimah hudud and jarimah ta’zir. Jarimah means criminal act. Jarimah hudud is the criminal act that has defined the shape and the limit of its penalties in Al Qur’an and the Sunnah. (hudud is the plural of the word hadd=limit). Jarimah ta’zir is the criminal act which the shape and limit of the penalties defined by the government as the lesson for the perpetrators. (ta’zir=lesson). Jinayat or ‘Ukubat (criminal law)
It regulates about the head of the state; government, both the central and local government; soldier; taxes; etc. It regulates about the affair of war and peace, the relationships with the adherents of other religions and with the other countries. It regulates about the trial, court, judiciary, and procedural law. Mukhasamat (procedural law) Khilafah or al-Ahkam As-Sulthaniyah Siyar (international law)