Electricity and Magnetism Project Lewis Alverson 5th Grade Ms. Dowling’s Class
Static Electricity This is an electrical charge that builds up on a material Static electricity is present on some materials such as your hair, or a comb. These charges can build up and cause a discharge, causing a shock, especially when it is cold outside.
Before Static Discharge A negatively charged object, (my hand) is attracted to the positively charged object (the door knob).
During Discharge When the two objects come into contact, the oppositely charged objects exchange particles and a shock is produced.
After Discharge After the discharge the two objects return to their original neutral state.
Conductors and Insulators Conductors are materials that negatively charged particles flow through easily. An example of negatively charged particles would be an electrical current. Examples of some conductors are silver, gold, copper, and water
Examples of Conductors COPPER WATER GOLD SILVER
Insulators Insulators are materials that electric charges do not flow through easily. Some examples of insulators are rubber, glass, wood, plastic, and air.
Examples of Insulators PLASTIC WOOD RUBBER AIR
Circuits A circuit is the pathway that an electrical current follows. The three items needed for an electrical circuit are a light bulb, wire and a battery.
Types of Circuits There are three types of circuits: Open or incomplete circuit Closed or complete circuit Switch circuit which can be complete or incomplete
Incomplete Circuit An incomplete, or open circuit, has a gap which does not allow the electricity to flow through the wire from the battery and light the bulb.
Complete Circuit A complete circuit is one in which there are no gaps. In this kind of circuit electricity flows without stopping through the wire from the battery to the light bulb and lights it up. COMPLETE CIRCUIT
Switch Circuit A switch circuit contains, in addition to three items needed for the other two circuits, a switch that can be opened to stop the electrical flow or closed to allow the electricity to flow and light the bulb. SWITCH CIRCUIT
Two Types of Switch Circuits There are two types of switch circuits: Series circuit – in this kind the parts are connected so that the electric current passes through each part one after another along a single pathway Parallel Circuit – in this type the current passes along more than one pathway
Bar Magnets and Electromagnets There are two main types of magnets that are used by people BAR MAGNETS and ELECTROMAGNETS.
Information on magnets A magnet is an object that attracts iron and other certain metals. The force of a magnet is stronger at two areas called the magnetic poles
Electromagnets Electromagnets are strong temporary magnets that are created by electricity running through a wire or other conductor.
Electromagnets Electromagnets attract objects that are made of iron. The advantage to this kind of magnet is that it can be turned on and off. Electromagnets have no poles.
Bar Magnets
Bar Magnets Bar magnets are permanent magnets. This means that they keep their magnetism for a long time. The earth is like a bar magnet because it has two magnetic poles.
Bar Magnets Bar magnets have two unlike poles, their force of magnetism is stronger at each pole. Unlike poles attract one another, and like poles repel one another.
Electricity and Magnetism Project This is the end of my slide show presentation Thank you for your attention, I hope you have enjoyed the show!