Curriculun of the basic formation of Aunties in the prevention of the early pregnancies/STI’s/HIV/AIDS
Introduction Registration of participants Presentation of participants and facilitators Practical modalities Expectations Objectives of the seminar
Présentation of facitators Name and surname What you do in life
Presentation of participants Name and surname At what age i had my first pregnancy
Practical modalities Duration of the workshop Transport Hours of break Behaviours to adopt during training workshop
Expectations Training and acquiring knowledge Search for financial assistance to take care of baby To seek for a job To seek for money Others
Objectives of the seminar To enable teen mothers recognize they made out in ignorance To enable teen age mothers adopt less risky behaviour To put on place an Association of Aunties
Presentation of the Aunties project MOH (Ministry of health) GTZ/PGCSS (German Cameroon and health and AIDS program) REGA (Strenghtining of self support groups)
Aim To ameliorate the health of youths and adolescents
The main objectives of REGA To support the PLWHIV/AIDS Create and support Aunties association
Existing associations
National Network of Aunties Associations (RENATA) Connects all Associations through annual contributions Rule: To solve associations problems, furnish them with documentation and made known the problems of teenage mothers
Aunties Project Some statistics made in 2000 of the sexual activities of adolescents: 9% of adolescents are sexually active at 12 years 1/3 of girls and 2/3 of boys have sexual intercourse with between 2 to 8 partners per year 11% declared to have contracted an STI within the last 12months; 84% do not use a modern contraceptive method
Aunties profile 31% are abandoned by their partners 46% take care of their babies alone 37% abandoned school because of the pregnancy Many children have problem of birth certificate Many begin prenatal consultation late
Role of the aunties On her self On her entourage In her community – Testimony of aunty – Commentaries – Questions /answers – Your experience