Climate Financing: Stakeholder Mapping
2 Imprint Published by: Contact adelphi Caspar-Theyss-Strasse 14a Berlin / Germany T F E I Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH CF Ready Program Godesberger Allee Bonn/Germany T F E I Dennis Tänzler E T Dorit Lehr E T tise/html/3041.html Any content written by named authors do not necessarily reflect the views of adelphi nor GIZ nor of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Although the authors take all possible care to ensure the correctness of published information, no warranty can be accepted regarding the correctness, accuracy, reliability and completeness of the content of this information. August 2014
3 Terms of Use This Training Material was developed by adelphi with financial support from GIZ’s CF Ready Program on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. If you would like to adapt this presentation to your needs, please respect the following terms of use: The imprint is mandatory. It may neither be altered nor removed from the presentation and should always be printed out as part of the presentation, if applicable. The German Cooperation, GIZ and adelphi logo must not be moved or removed. No other logos or further information may be placed in the footer area. If you wish to add your own content please indicate in the respective slides that the respective content has been added and that it was not part of the original version provided by the authors mentioned in the imprint. If you would like to make substantial changes to the content of this presentation or have other questions regarding the material, please contact or
4 What you can expect to learn from this exercise To identify the relevant stakeholders in Climate Finance in your country To identify: the different groups into which the stakeholders can be divided the relationships and modes of cooperation between the various stakeholders
5 Introduction: definitions and classifications Exercise: stakeholder mapping Reflections Agenda
6 Definitions and Classifications Stakeholders … are actors who hold at least a potential stake in a topic and the core issues attached to the topic on which they either have a degree of (potential) influence or which (in)directly affects them.
7 Stakeholder Mapping Which actors/stakeholders in your country possess relevant key resources (e.g. financial power, expertise, network, decision making power, etc.? Step 1: Identify the relevant stakeholders
8 Stakeholder Mapping International climate funds e.g. the Adaptation Fund National governing bodies e.g. the national environment ministry Executing bodiese.g. private companies, NGOs Step 2: Group the stakeholders
9 Stakeholder Mapping – An Example International climate funds National governing bodies Executing bodies Adaptation Fund environment ministry construction company for energy efficient housing Project developer Finance ministry UNDP Step 3: Illustrate the stakeholders on a map National Development Bank (National Implementing Entity)
10 Stakeholder Mapping Strategic guidance Which stakeholders give strategic guidance to others? Allocation of finance and commissioning of implementation Which stakeholders distribute funds for implementation? Reporting of results Who do the stakeholders report to on how the climate finance is spent? Three modes of cooperation relevant to climate finance
11 Stakeholder Mapping In what way do the relevant stakeholders in Climate Finance cooperate with each other as regards… strategic guidance the distribution of funding and the commissioning of implementation reporting (on implementation results)? Draw the relationships amongst the stakeholders according to these three modes of cooperation Step 4: Draw the relationships between the stakeholders
12 Stakeholder Mapping – An Example International climate funds National governing bodies Executing bodies Adaptation Fund environment ministry construction company for energy efficient housing project developer Strategic guidance Reporting finance ministry UNDP Allocation of funds National Development Bank (National Implementing Entity)
13 Stakeholder Mapping – Exercise Now it is your turn to do the exercise! Break up into groups of 4 people and follow the Step-by-Step guide Step 1: Identify the relevant stakeholders in Climate Finance in your country Step 2: Group the stakeholders by identifying which group they belong to Step 3: Illustrate your findings by arranging the stakeholders on a map according to the group that they belong to Step 4: Draw the relationships between the different stakeholders according to the three activities relevant for Climate Finance and present it to the plenary For further instructions please review the hand-out given to you!
14 Stakeholder Mapping - Reflections Getting CLIF Ready What does the stakeholder map on climate finance for your country look like? Is it clear which stakeholders cooperate with others? Where do you see strong cooperation between stakeholders in the climate finance field in your country? Where do you see cooperation deficits and how could they be overcome?
15 Stakeholder Mapping – Next Steps Checklist to get CLIF Ready According to what you learnt from this exercise you could … Check with your institution which relevant stakeholders it cooperates with on climate finance issues. Check in what way they cooperate and what their relationships look like. Check which other stakeholders your institution could cooperate with to improve processes related to climate finance in your country.