Abstraction Hierarchy and PoPS Engineers fabricate things but things sometimes are just too complicated Engineers like to hide things In Engineering there are a few important guiding concepts. Engineers fabricate things but things sometimes are just too complicated Engineers like to hide things In Engineering there are a few important guiding concepts.
Engineering Driving Concepts Abstraction Decoupling Standardization Abstraction Decoupling Standardization
Abstraction Hierarchy Purpose Hide information and manage complexity Black Box Approach Know nothing about how the mechanisms Just interested in how output is regulated by the system with input Purpose Hide information and manage complexity Black Box Approach Know nothing about how the mechanisms Just interested in how output is regulated by the system with input
Abstraction Hierarchy
Polymerase Per Seconds Abbreviation - PoPS Analogous to current in electrical circuits Polymerase per seconds is the flow of RNA polymerase molecules along DNA Abbreviation - PoPS Analogous to current in electrical circuits Polymerase per seconds is the flow of RNA polymerase molecules along DNA
PoPS Current is the flow of electrons, literally number of electrons per second PoPS level aka current level is set by the amount of RNA polymerase molecules that trundle past a specific position on DNA each second. Signals in biological circuits is carried by the PoPS. Current is the flow of electrons, literally number of electrons per second PoPS level aka current level is set by the amount of RNA polymerase molecules that trundle past a specific position on DNA each second. Signals in biological circuits is carried by the PoPS.