The science and art of transcription Sheryl L. Chatfield, M.S., CTRS Nova Southeastern University
In 20 minutes (or less) Personal experience ******Three Key Ideas****** Additional considerations Recommended resources
Why transcription? Limitation: focus mostly on ‘surface semantic content’ My experiences The distant past The recent past The present - Dresing, Pehl, & Schmieder, 2012
Three ideas AcceptanceInvestmentGrowth
Acceptance Challenges Difficult decisions Limitations…..alsoAdvantages “closeness” to the data Improving interviewing or moderating skills -Oliver, Serovich and Mason (2005); Skukauskaite, 2012
Investment Hardware Computer with typist friendly keyboard Other equipment Optional equipment
Three button Infinity by VEC USB transcription foot pedal
Investment Software Improving file quality Zamzar; Audacity; Wavepad Transcribing ExpressScribe; f4, f5; Hypertranscribe; Transana Other utilities Screenflow A few words on voice recognition
Zamzar file conversions
Express Scribe (free version) for Windows
Express Scribe for Mac
F4 (Windows)
F5 for Mac
Screenflow controls
Screenflow Editing
Voice recognition
(the big) Investment… Time!
Growth: Expanding expression and presentation “Director’s cut” Found poetry Narrative or storytelling Visual presentations: graphic novels and animations Dramatic expression Multimodal transcription - McCormick, 2000a, 2000b, 2004; Norris, 2006)
Using Audacity to insert spaces, add additional tracks, and overdub comments
The process of creating ‘found data’ poetry
Interview transcript reinterpreted as a two-voice narrative; see McCormack, 2000b in the reference list
Using Comic Life 3 To illustrate a Focus group Note: this interpretation is based on a simulated focus group
Animation with Go Animate The link below goes to an instructional video; the same method could be used to re-present your transcript: (For more adventures of qualitative ninja girl, go to: And click on the tabs for QNG
The transcript as “script”
Norris, 2004 The multimodal transcript: Gesture; gaze; proximics; posture; facial expressions; objects
Considerations Do you need to do it all? Do you need to do it at all? Goals of research Expected and hoped for audience -Halcomb & Davidson, 2006; Markle, West, & Rich, 2011
References and resources Cahnmann-Taylor, M., Wooten, J., Souto-Manning, M., Dice, J.L. (2009) The art and science of educational inquiry: Analysis of performance-based focus groups with novice bilingual teachers. Teachers College Record, 111(11), Davidson, C. (2009). Transcription: Imperatives for qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 8(2). Retrieved from Dresing, T., Pehl, T., & Schmieder, C. (2012). Manual (on) transcription: Transcription conventions, software guides and practical hints for qualitative researchers (2 nd English ed.). Marburg, Germany: The authors. Retrieved at Halcomb, E. J. & Davidson, P.M. (2006). Is verbatim transcription of interview data always necessary? Applied Nursing Research, 19, Doi: /j.apnr Jenks, C.J. (2011) Transcribing talk and interaction: Issues in the representation of communication data. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins. Markle, D.T., West, R.E., & Rich, P.J. (2011) Beyond transcription: Technology, change and refinement of method. Forum: Qualitative Sozialforschung/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 12(3) Art 21. Retreived from
References and resources McCormack, C. (2000a). From transcript to interpretive story: Part 1- viewing the transcript through multiple lenses. Field Methods, 12(4), Doi: / X McCormack, C. (2000b). From transcript to interpretive story: Part 2- developing an interpretive story. Field Methods, 12(4), Doi: / X McCormack, C. (2004). Storying stories:A narrative approach to in-depth interview conversations. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 7(3), Norris, S. (2004) Analyzing multimodal interaction: A methodological framework. New York, NY: Routledge. Oliver, D.G., Serovich, J.M., & Mason, T.L. (2005). Constraints and opportunities with interview transcription: Toward reflection in qualitative research. Social Forces, 84(2), Retrieved from Saldaña, J. (2011). Fundamentals of qualitative research. New York, NY: Oxford. Skukauskait, A. (2012). Transparency in transcribing: Making visible theoretical bases impacting knowledge construction from open-ended interview records. Forum: Qualitative Sozialforschung/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 13(1) Art 14. Retreived from resolving/de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs
References and resources Audacity: Free audio editor and recorder. Comic life 3 (import photos to comic strip templates) (Mac or iOS). Plasq products. or Mac App store Express Scribe, (transcription software) Wavepad (audio editing software) NCH Software. F4 (transcription software for windows). F5 (free transcription software for mac) Go animate (animation software) Hypertranscribe (transcription software). Screenflow (computer screen recording software) (Mac only). Telestream. or Mac app store Transana (video analysis software with transcription capabilities and some CA support). Zamzar (free file conversions)