MONOLOGUE You have just visited somewhere exotic tell how you arranged your trip and everything which happened to you. Make recommendations, warnings…
NEWS AND THE PRESS MONOLOGUEMONOLOGUE Where do you get the news from: TV, newspapers, radio, internet? Why do you prefer that and not the others? Do you think that the news is necessary? Why or why not? About newspapers, what are the most popular quality papers in your country? Do you think newspapers will disappear in the future? Which papers are considered right-wing or left-wing? What kind of articles do you find most interesting?
WORKING CONDITIONS INTERACTIONINTERACTION A You are unemployed. You used to have a job but left it last month because of the bad working conditions. You have just met an old friend. He/she is very nosey and wants to know about your life. Answer his/her questions and pretend that you are not disappointed. B You have just met an old friend. It´s ages since you last saw him/her. He´ll tell you he left because of the bad working conditions, but in fact, he´s been fired for some reason. Find out what happened, but don´t argue.
Speaker A You’re preparing for your holidays and you’ve found a beautiful campsite with lots of facilities. You need to convince your partner to come with you. Speaker B You are for sightseeing. Culture is your passion. Suggest a destination and convince your partner to come with you.
HOLIDAYS Speaker A You’re preparing for your holidays and you’ve found some wonderful all inclusive package holidays. You need to convince your partner. Speaker B You hate that kind of holidays and have to discourage your partner. Explain the disadvantages.