Nazi Youth Policy Nazis in Power Part 1: Consent and Popularity.


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Presentation transcript:

Nazi Youth Policy Nazis in Power Part 1: Consent and Popularity

Learning Intention Today we will examine Nazi Youth Policy and the extent to which people supported the Nazi ideas for young people

Background For Hitler the youth of Germany was the key to his setting up of a ‘thousand year Reich’. The aim of Nazi youth policy was to turn boys into soldiers and girls into housewives and mothers. From 1933, parents were encouraged to enrol their children in huge state run organisations. The Hitler Youth became compulsory after 1939 with 8 million members.

Boys Boys – Hitler Youth (HJ–Hitler Jugend) Boys went through different age groups from Pimfen (5 to 12 years) to HJ up to age 18 Activities included drill, camping and shooting – designed to toughen the youth of Germany for war.

Girls Girls - League of German maidens (BDM – Bund Deutscher Madel). Emphasis placed on the 3 K’s – kinder, kirche and kuche = children, church and kitchen. Taught girls to accept their role as a mother and a wife.

How do we know people liked the Youth Policy? By 1936, 6 million young people had volunteered to join the Nazi Youth Organisations This clearly showed support for the Youth organisations

Why so popular? Analysis Parents – liked idea of disciplined youth, knew where their kids were 2 nights per week, free uniforms for poorer children Some young people – respect of older people, uniform and a sense of belonging to something important, physical activity and free camping holidays for poorer children Girls especially liked getting out of the home and away from their mothers.

Nazis in Power Essay Plan we will now add today’s information on to the plan for this essay Youth Policy KU: A: Consent/Popularity