Objectives Explain the concept of gerrymandering and the origin of the practice. Identify reasons why gerrymandering was illegal. Describe the differences.


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Presentation transcript:

Objectives Explain the concept of gerrymandering and the origin of the practice. Identify reasons why gerrymandering was illegal. Describe the differences between cracking and packing. Implement knowledge gained from the presentation to complete with accuracy the redistricting game.

Table of Contents 1. Where Did It Begin?Where Did It Begin? 2. GerrymanderingGerrymandering 3. Gerrymandering: an Issue in America Gerrymandering: an Issue in America 4. CrackingCracking 5. PackingPacking 6. Redistricting GameRedistricting Game

When Did It Begin??? Partick Henry and the other Anti-Federalists drew district lines in Virginia with the intent of keeping James Madison from winning a seat in Congress. Patrick Henry James Madison Table of Contents

Gerrymandering Gerrymandering is the unfair drawing of district lines to favor one political party. This unfair drawing of district lines took place in Massachusetts from Governor Elbridge Gerry signed these unfair district lines into law and the Boston Gazette described the district as a “Gerry”-mander referring to the shape of the district on the right. Table of Contents

Gerrymandering: an Issue in America View the following video on the issue of gerrymandering and then answer the following questions about the video: 1.What is political power in Congress based on in America? 2.Which states get more seats in Congress? 3.What is taken every 10 years? 4.What are reasons for states to gain or lose population? 5.What is reapportionment? 6.How many seats are in the House of Representatives? 7.What is redistricting? Table of Contents

Cracking Cracking is when one party has control of a specific city and the opposing party is in charge of drawing the lines in which the opposing party will draw the lines to break apart the city and weaken the dominant party in the city. Now it is your turn. Pittsburgh is predominantly Republican. If you were a democrat in charge of drawing the lines how would you draw the lines? Table of Contents

Packing Packing is a way in which one political party tries to draw the district line to pack all of the members of one political party into a small area in order to allow the dominant party to win one seat and the opposing party to win all the seats around the packed district. Now it is your turn. Pittsburgh is predominantly Republican. You are in charge of drawing the lines to favor the democratic party. How would you pack the district to favor the democrats? Table of Contents

The Redistricting Game Click on the image to access the redistricting game. Table of Contents