TAX-AIDE Consumables 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas1
TAX-AIDE 2015 Consumable Ordering Consumables are purchased via a national contract with an AARP approved vendor (GraceWorkz, LLC). “Listed Consumables”, specifically, most print cartridges and projector bulbs must be obtained directly from the AARP National vendor with no out-of-pocket expense. The list is available on OneSupport. There will be no reimbursement for listed items purchased elsewhere, so please submit a ticket through OneSupport if you are not sure. Combining orders is a very important part of the ordering process as it can save the program several thousand dollars in shipping costs SMT/TCS Training - Dallas2
TAX-AIDE 2015 Consumable - New Policy Effective for the upcoming tax season (TS2015) all printers purchased or donated to the Tax-Aide program must be compatible with and use toner cartridges available from GraceWorkz at the time they enter the program. Printers currently listed on the inventory as "OK", but do not take GraceWorkz toner cartridges, are still eligible to receive reimbursement. Only Primary and Secondary can order per split-state 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas3
TAX-AIDE Computer & Printer Repair and Replacement Process
TAX-AIDE New Process ● The National office will no longer be taking request for Computer & Printer Repair and Replacement ● All request for Repair and Replacement must go through GraceWorkz 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas5
TAX-AIDE What units are eligible for repair and replacement process? ● Only Computers and Printers marked as “OK” (working) on the last submitted inventory will be eligible for GraceWorkz repair or replacement ● IRS-owned, personally-owned, and site-sponsor-owned equipment are not covered by the GraceWorkz contract 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas6
TAX-AIDE Submitting a Service Request ● There are 2 ways to contact GraceWorkz for service. 1. The preferred method is sending an request to This will create an electronic work ticket which streamlines the follow up process and the service can be tracked 2. You may also call at or (*option 1 for tech service) 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas7
TAX-AIDE Sending an Request ● When requesting service via , please include the following in your subject line: “State/Split-State”, type of equipment (“Computer” or “Printer”), “Brand”, “Model”, “Serial Number”, “Asset Tag” Example 1: MS1, Computer, HP, 6735s, 123vx3, Example 2: MS1, Printer, Brother, HL-5370, 654tx2, ** ** TC’s should make a direct request; make sure to copy TCS 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas8
TAX-AIDE Request ● Please make sure the following information in the request form is send in with the . Failure to supply this information will delay service as the may be sent back to be completed SMT/TCS Training - Dallas9
TAX-AIDE Request Form Computer Only CUSTODIAN NAME: Address: Phone Number: Computer Model: Computer Serial Number: Asset Tag: State: TCS: Computer Problem: RETURN Remember to mark replaced computer as RP on next Inventory (EIR only) Use the same packaging to RETURN the replaced computer to Graceworkz – Return Shipping label in packaging Send all inquiries and questions to 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas10
TAX-AIDE Request Form Printer Only CUSTODIAN NAME: Address: Phone Number: Printer Model: Printer Serial Number: Asset Tag: State: TCS: Printer Problem: RETURN Remember to mark replaced computer as RP on next Inventory (EIR only) Use the same packaging to RETURN the replaced computer to Graceworkz – Return Shipping label in packaging Send all inquiries and questions to 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas11
TAX-AIDE Limited Local Repair and Replacement ● There should not be any local repair of AARP Foundation Tax-Aide owned equipment except for the following: AC Power Adapters – local purchase authorized External Batteries – local purchase authorized **These are the only repairs that can be expensed SMT/TCS Training - Dallas12
TAX-AIDE No cosmetic Repair and Replacement ● As a general rule, cosmetic issues will not be repaired or replaced (example: broken screen, spills) 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas13
TAX-AIDE What about Stolen Computers? ● Stolen - Provide National Office with Police Report to be eligible for Replacement If no police report, computer(s) are not eligible for replacement Police report not needed for one computer Use the status ST and remove from the inventory after 1 year (EIR only) 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas14
TAX-AIDE What if Computer is recovered If computers are found; National should be informed so computer (s) can be redistributed to other States If put back on State inventory, next reported computer will not be replaced when broken ● Lost or Negligence Not eligible for replacement 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas15
TAX-AIDE Computer Repair and Replacement Process (NEW) ● New for TS2015 All replaced computers MUST be returned to GraceWorkz after replacement (except those under warranty) **Not returning a replace computer may make the State ineligible for a replacement the next season 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas16
TAX-AIDE After Replacement (NEW) ● Mark Replaced Computers as RP on inventory and remove after 1 Year (EIR only) ● No need to mark Computers as RP in the Online Inventory System (OIS); GraceWorkz will mark and remove 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas17
TAX-AIDE Hot Spot Process ● The Hot Spot purchases will again this year be managed by the Regional Coordinator (RC) 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas18
TAX-AIDE Computer Hardware Refresh ● Replace all HP nx6110 models marked OK on the May 2015 Inventory submitted to the National Office ● These will not be eligible for the “Repair and Replacement” program through GraceWorkz ● Additional information listing the eligible computers expected end-Oct 2015 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas19