Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. Creates awareness and recognition of products & services, through the use of media. Also...generates a desire in consumers to purchase certain brands over its competitors.
“Reach out and touch someone” AT&T “It keeps on going, and going, and going...” Energizer “Because you’re worth it” L’Oreal “Hello Moto” Motorola “It’s everywhere you want to be” VISA “Mmm mmm good...” Campbell’s “It’s the real thing” Coca-cola
Can be traced back to the very beginnings of recorded history: Signs announcing various events have been dug up in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea; Romans painted walls to announce gladiator fights; Wall paintings in Pompeii praised a politician; In Greece, town criers announced the sale of cattle and crafted items.
U.S. advertisers now run up an annual advertising bill of more than $178.5 billion, while worldwide ad spending exceeds $505 billion!
Super Bowl Ads Then: In 1984, Macintosh (Apple) launched the controversial “1984” commercial during Super Bowl XVIII. The spot cost $1.6 million and was aired only once! '1984' Apple Macintosh Commercial '1984' Apple Macintosh Commercial Super Bowl Ads Now: Record high184 million viewers. The average ad cost $4.5 million for a 30-second slot. Total ad spending this year= $359 million Snickers Commercial Snickers Commercial My Personal Fav My Personal Fav Careerbuilder Chimps Careerbuilder Chimps