Varieities Standard – Blue – gray color Black – Under fur gray, guard hairs Jet black
White – White fur, black eyes m/mutations.html
Characteristics Chinchillas are rodents Sit upright and eat food holding it in their front paws Short ears Short bushy tail like a squirrel Bark when annoyed
Native to Andes Mountains South America
Housing Sensitive to the heat, room temperature should not exceed 80*F Cage suitable for small animals Need levels, they enjoy jumping and running House for hiding Dust bath 2-3 times a week Chew toys
Chinchilla Feeding Pellet food from pet store Timothy Hay Always supply fresh water in bottle
Chinchilla Treats DO NOT FEED – ANYTHING WITH ANIMAL INGREDIENTS Healthy treats include rose hips, raisins, dried papaya, plain mini wheats, cheerios, loose hay (orchard grass, oat hay, blue grass), and dried cranberries. Do not feed your chinchilla fresh fruits or vegetables this can upset their stomachs or make them bloat.
Handling Cup the animal in two hands to pick up Hold animal close to your body so it feels safe and secure
Health Chinchillas are very healthy if they receive proper nutrition, have a clean, dry, draft- free environment and are free from any stressful conditions. Hair loss – Fur chewing, fur slip Dental disease Trauma
Information Gestation 111 days Litter: Average 2 Sexually mature 5-8 months Wean – 6 weeks Life span – years Sexing: Anogenital distance Testicles are evident in the male,
htmlhttp:// html -experts/chinchilla/male-chinchilla-or- female-chinchilla.aspxhttp:// -experts/chinchilla/male-chinchilla-or- female-chinchilla.aspx