Hosea, Obadiah & Micah
H O S E A Hosea, Obadiah & Micah Basic Introduction Hosea’s name means “God is salvation” Prophesied to the Northern Kingdom, Israel 8th Century B.C. (~750-715 B.C.) Contemporary with Isaiah & Micah in South Just prior to the Assyrian captivity Northern Kingdom, Israel, fell to Assyria in 721 B.C. Israel also identified as “Samaria,” its capital city Israel also identified as “Ephraim,” its largest tribe
H O S E A Hosea, Obadiah & Micah Basic Message: A Loving God & An Adulterous People Admonition for & Condemnation of Idolatry Israel practiced idolatry openly & offered sacrifices unto Baal – 2:13; 4:12a, 13a; 8:4-6; 9:10; 13:1-2 Prophet urged Israel to repent & return – 6:1-11; 14:1-9 Vivid Depiction of Spiritual Adultery The relationship between Hosea & his wife, Gomer, and the names of their three children are used to acutely illustrate the gross nature of Israel’s sins & God’s desire to take her back. 18 times used “whoredom,” “harlot” or “adultery” to describe how Israel had turned against God. No knowledge of God! The Love of God for His People God loved them enough to tell them of their sins, to warn them of their doom & to punish them if necessary. Hebrew hesed found 6 times: “lovingkindness” (2:19); “mercy” (4:1; 6:6; 10:12; 12:6)
Hosea, Obadiah & Micah O B A D I H Basic Introduction Obadiah’s name means “servant of the Lord” Date is uncertain – written after Jerusalem had suffered significant calamity (but 4 times) Most probable he prophesied either 850 B.C. to Israel or after 586 B.C. to Judah (after Judah fell) Prophesied the impending doom of Edom Nations of Israel & Edom at odds from beginning Relationship between Jacob & Esau – Genesis 25 Edom refused passage to Israel – Num. 20:14-21 David subdued Edom during his reign – 2 Sam. 8:14 Edom had joined forces with God’s enemy and mistreated her brethren, the Israelites (instead of coming to their aid) – v. 12-14
Hosea, Obadiah & Micah O B A D I H Basic Message: A Compassionate God & A Prideful People Despite imperviously situated city & elevated sense of their own wisdom (a pride-filled people), Edom would be destroyed (v. 1-14; cf. Prov. 16:18) A divine punishment for Edom’s cruelties toward Israel – the Lord is in charge! (cf. Dan. 4:17) The Day of the Lord predicted, with the restoration & victory of Israel (v. 15-21) Purpose of the book seems not to warn Edom but to comfort the Israelites and to promise a return of the Jewish exiles (but no survivor of Esau) “The kingdom shall be the Lord’s” – v. 21 (cf. Rev. 11:15)
M I C A H Hosea, Obadiah & Micah Basic Introduction Micah’s name means “Who is like Jehovah” Prophesied to the Southern Kingdom, Judah 8th Century B.C. (~740-700 B.C.) Contemporary with Isaiah in Judah & Hosea was slightly earlier in Israel There was great turmoil among God’s people Societal chaos – prosperity & luxury reigned, plus the Northern Kingdom was falling to Assyria Religious chaos – contaminated by heathen influences
M I C A H Hosea, Obadiah & Micah Basic Message: A Merciful God & A Corrupt People God’s People Have Sinned & Will Be Punished! Consumed with idolatry – 1:6-7 Their rulers hated good & loved evil – 3:1-4 God’s Judgment Is Certain! Samaria/Israel will be overthrown – 1:3-7, 16 Judah will be destroyed – 3:12; 4:10; 7:13 God’s Demands Require the Heart! Religious devotion must have 3 companions – 6:1-8 God’s Eternal Plan Is Pictured! Lord’s house/church established in Jerusalem – 4:1-5 The Messiah born in Bethlehem – 5:2 The mercy of God will save us – 7:18-20