Stress Awareness 4 th November 2015 is Stress Awareness Day Cat Taylor Health Improvement Practitioner Public Health - WBC
Aims of the session To increase your understanding of the impact of stress. To increase your knowledge of local resources and services that can help you manage stress. ‘What do you do to improve your wellbeing?’
What is stress? Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. Pressure turns into stress when we feel unable to cope.
Good & bad stress Being under stress for a short time can be useful. It can motivate us to take action, meet deadlines and get results. Being under stress over a longer period can increase the risk of both mental health and physical health problems.
What impact can stress have on us? Which of the following can be triggered, or worsened by stress? AllergiesAsthmaColitisConstipationDiabetes Hay feverHeadachesHeart attacks High blood pressure Indigestion Menstrual problems mental health problems Overactive thyroid Rheumatoid arthritis Skin disorders StrokeTuberculosisUlcers
What can we do to reduce or manage stress? manage, or change the stressful situation, when we can change our reaction to situation developing our emotional resilience, so we’re better at coping with difficult situations
Five Ways to Wellbeing A set of evidence based actions to improve wellbeing, which individuals are encouraged to build into their daily lives: Connect Be Active Take Notice Keep Learning Give Developed by the New Economics Foundation, 2008
Self-help booklets Can be downloaded free. Are available as apps. Come in different formats and languages. Focus on common issues (e.g. stress & anxiety). Are based on cognitive behavioural therapy. Are written in everyday language.
Warrington’s Mental Health Awareness Website Developed in response to local research. For the general public - children, adults, older people. Has an online directory of local support services. Has a page for frontline workers, links to online tools. Free promotional materials, including a Polish leaflet.
Connect 5 Mental Wellbeing Training Programme Session 1, Brief Mental Wellbeing Advice (3.5 hours) Session 2, Brief Mental Wellbeing Intervention (full day) Session 3, Extended Mental Wellbeing Intervention (full day) Offered at St Werburgh’s Development Centre through the year. Available to specific groups and teams. Wellness focussed, based on CBT. Target audience is frontline workers. Offers self-management tools, workers can pass onto the people they support.
Boost Community version of Connect 5, aimed at general public. CBT based, wellness focussed. Teaches people self-management tools. Two Boost Trainers in Warrington. Aim to deliver Boost to communities from this Autumn. Two hours a week, over 6 weeks, four courses a year.
Wellbeing in the workplace The following sites have information about a range of issues including mental health at work and managing stress:
Free resources from Time to Change (national anti-stigma campaign) 5BP’s Stamp Out Stigma (local anti-stigma campaign) Has downloadable packs for employers Mental Health Foundation (“Tea & Talk” focus on talking about feelings and mental health)
Thank you