Highways for LIFE J. Richard Capka Deputy Administrator Federal Highway Administration
It’s been done I-95 James River Bridges, VA HYPERFIX Indianapolis, IN Tappan Zee Bridge Toll Plaza, NY New Mexico 44 Mitchell Gulch Bridge, CO...
Highways for LIFE Long lasting Innovative Fast construction Efficient and safe
Improve safety Reduce congestion due to construction Improve quality Vision and Goals In 4 years, widely demonstrate the ability to dramatically improve the American driving experience
Tool Box Performance Standards Technology Partnerships Stakeholder Involvement Evaluation & Documentation Communication & Marketing Technology Transfer Projects Highways for LIFE Plan Elements to accelerate and sustain change
Highways for LIFE Stakeholder Involvement Help determine “How” Support in the implementation Build Projects Form partnerships Sustain the change
Highways for LIFE Performance Standards Safety Construction-related congestion Quality Tool Box Technical assistance Funding assistance Diverse (Materials, type, size, location) Projects
Highways for LIFE Technology Partnerships Proven success Highway industry Other industries Internationally Adapt for routine highway use Incentive funding
Highways for LIFE Technology Transfer Grow and equip the workforce Introduce and assist Public and private sectors
Highways for LIFE Communication and Marketing Highway community and public Information and Input Change perceptions
Highways for LIFE Evaluation and Documentation All elements Factual, accurate and complete Conditions, costs and results Projects: pre, during and post
Highways for LIFE Show what is possible Projects: ~ 100 Bring about and sustain change Technology Partnerships Technology Transfer Communication and Marketing Evaluation and Documentation Projected Investment: $1B
Outcomes Widespread demonstration Impetus to build on success Ability to sustain the change A new culture Encouraged Innovation Highways for LIFE
Bottom Line Move from “ad hoc” examples of excellence to Standard Practice Leap … Not Creep Forward Highways for LIFE